  • 學位論文


A Study of the Influence of Combining Consumption and Provision Processes into an Integrated Lean Service Process

指導教授 : 任恒毅


隨著精實製造的觀念被提出,到廣為產業界使用,精實的應用也延伸至服務業。服務業最終目標是快速滿足顧客真正的需要,因為顧客是真正為企業帶來價值的要素,因此縮短流程時間,有效改善流程以減少浪費,才能與顧客共同創造價值,提升顧客滿意度,並為企業帶來獲利。目前為止服務供需流程仍缺乏一完整分析架構,本研究基於Womack et. al. (2005) 提出的精實服務理念,即應整合精實供給流程與精實消費流程為完整價值溪流,因此建立了消費溪流與供給溪流影響階級模式,以總流程時間最小為目標,透過精實解析步驟求得新的供需流程,再運用模擬方法得到最佳化的服務流程。此一分析架構,將有助於提供服務業建立合併流程及評估的有效工具。 本研究以顧客角度為出發點進行精實能夠產生新的服務型態,選擇對消費方與供給方皆有利的模式,達到企業與顧客共同創造價值的雙贏局面。


The concept of lean manufacturing has been widely used in the industry, and the applications of lean concepts also extend to the service sector. The ultimate goal of the service industry is to meet the needs of customers because providing customer value is key to the business. It is critical to reduce the process flow time, to effectively improve processes to reduce wastes and to work together with customer to enhance customer satisfaction. So far the process of supply and demand of service still lacks a complete analytical framework, this study extends the concept of lean service, which integrates the provision processes and consumption processes into a value stream, so as to establish a framework that provides various class of models, analyzes the minimum total flow time through analytical steps to achieve the new supply and demand processes. Simulation methods are used to find better service processes. This analytical framework helps provide the services sector a systematic way in merging process and to evaluate an effective tool. Customer perspective is used as the starting point for lean services. New flow patterns are generated and the choice of the combined service process beneficial to both businesses and customers.


3. 楊錦洲(2008),「從精實生產到精實消費」,品質月刊,44卷3期,頁23-26
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