  • 學位論文

台灣地區自來水管網漏水因素評估與對策之研究 -以建置分區計量管網(DMA)策略為例

A Study of Leakage Factors Evaluation and Strategic Response of Water Supply Network in Taiwan Area-Established District Metering Area of Strategy’s for Example

指導教授 : 丘邦翰


本研究主要目的係藉由分析國內管理漏水狀況及問題,探求漏水形成因素以研析漏水改善與預防之管理方法,俾提供台灣自來水公司相關主管單位參考,期有效降低管網水量的漏失,增進台灣島上有限水資源之利用。 本研究方法以透過文獻資料整理及次級資料分析,針對國內自來水配水管網漏水因素之發生及防漏對策作法、問題及可行解決方法等面向。並運用層級分析法(AHP),求得漏水因素間之相對權重值,建立改善漏水對策之優先順序,經過問卷整理分析,得到前三項順位漏水因素依序為:管線材料材質不良、管線材料老化腐蝕、施工及回填不良。 最後,本研究探討以運用分區計量管網(DMA)策略案例,並針對其執行成果做比較效益分析,證實透過DMA作業之執行及改善,明顯可以提高售水率,其投資效益分別達到1.29倍?12.23倍。


The main purpose of this study is to investigate leakage condition and problem and to look into their causes, in order to analyze management methodology for leakage improvement and prevention. The results will be provided to Taiwan Water Company and related administrative organizations for reference. It is hoped that network leakage rate can be effectively lowered and water-resources utilization rate in Taiwan can be increased. The method utilized in this study mainly is thtough synthetic arrangements and analysis on the literature data and second-class data ; targeting on the occurrence , strategic response and problem of leakage factors of Water Supply Network in Taiwan Area. Additionally, AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) was used to solve the opposite value of the leakage factors, established the suggestions of improving problems that the ranking order. And analysis after questionnaire, get three initiative items of leakage factors is: The material of pipeline is bad, the material of pipeline is aging to decay, the quality of construction and backfilling is bad. Finally, the present study utilizes DMA cases and applies their consequence directly for doing comparisons and analysis, wherein by performing DMA strategy’s doing and improving , apparently the percentage of revenue water is improved by the analysis particular areas. The percentages of improvement at investment benefit are 129%~1223%.


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