  • 學位論文

有機農產品行銷因素探討: 以方圓生機有限公司為例

An Investigation of Factors Contributing to Integration of Organic Agriculture into Marketing: A Case Study of Fang Yuan Biotec Co., Ltd.

指導教授 : 陳家祥


摘 要 由於全球工業的蓬勃發展,帶動了人類文明的長足進步與穩定的經濟成長,然而卻也帶來了自然環境不可逆轉的污染,地球暖化的問題成為全球共同的議題,人們開始注意到在認真工作之餘,也應該注意到生活的品質與身體的健康,於是樂活主義在台灣慢慢的萌芽。在樂活生活的食衣住行中,最被注意的就是飲食的健康,於是乎為了吃出建康,愈來愈多消費者願意花更多的精神與金錢,尋找自然、安全的食物,而有機農業儼然已成為自然、健康代名詞。 由於有機農產品採用自然農法的栽種方式,使得產品無法如一般農作物般的大規模量產,其中的原因包括自然天候的影響、病蟲菌害的影響、農產品的損耗問題,以及昂貴的人工成本等,造成了有機農產品市場上供需的失衡,也使得有機農產品的終端售價比一般農產品貴上一到兩倍以上,且由於假有機的事件層出不窮,並透過媒體的渲染,消費者對有機農產品或者有機農產品供應鏈上銷售者缺乏信心,使得更多無數的有機農產品潛在消費者仍未有機會享受有機農產品的好處。根據農委會的統計九十八年年度真正經過政府授權認證的有機農作物栽培面積僅兩千九百多公頃左右,因此相對於一般農法耕種的農產品,有機農產品的消費市場仍是屬於小眾市場。 隨者時代的進步,有機農產品要能夠更進一步的發展與開拓市場,也需與時代的脈動相互配合。由於我國網路的成熟發展,網路購物的行銷工具對於國人也不再陌生,截至2010年3月底為止,我國有線寬頻用戶達493萬戶,經常上網人口達1,060萬人,網際網路連網應用普及率為46%,因此網路上的潛在消費者是必須要積極開發的。 在有機農作物供應鏈上的主要關係人有有機農場與農戶、通路商、有機門市與消費者。而上述關係人中,除終端消費者外,有機農產品的推廣與販售要從實體通路導入網路行銷其關鍵的條件,經與業者及消費者接觸後,發現有機農產品的價格、品項、信任以及創新的條件為主要的關鍵因素,因此作者認為有機農產品導入網路行銷仍應以行銷的基本理論與思維為基礎輔以網路通路的科技特質作為理論的延伸,研究中主要透過有機農產品再分級的產品來降低產品成本,並以網路作為主要行銷之通路,如此應可逐漸打開有機農產品的小眾市場,使更多的潛在有機消費者得以享受到有機農產品的所帶來的健康。


ABSTRACT The vigorous development of global industry has brought us advanced state of civilization and stable economical growth. However, such development has also caused some irreversible pollution problems and global warming. Being aware of this potential threat, people in Taiwan strive for a better quality of living after working hard. Therefore, LOHAS, which refers to Lifestyles of health and sustainability, has slowly developed in Taiwan. LOHAS puts an emphasis on a balanced and health diet. Consumers are willing to pay more money and spend more time buying natural and safe food. Organic agriculture is a byword for nature and health. As organic agricultural products use natural methods, they cannot be produced massively. In other words, climate influence, blight, and expensive labor lead to organic agricultural products costing twice as expensive as regular products. What’s worse, consumers loss their trust in suppliers due to the widespread of fake organic agricultural products by mass media. According to Council of Agriculture, only 2,900 hectare of the land can be cultivated and authorized by government. Until now, the market of organic agricultural products is still under developed. With the prevalence of technology in our society, online shopping must be integrated into the promotion of the organic agricultural products. By the end of March 2010, cable users reach 4,930,000 households and internet users reach 1,060,000 households. The popular rate of people using internet is 46%. Therefore, online shopping has a great potential business. The supply chains of organic agricultural include farmers, wholesalers, chain stores, retailers and consumers. In addition to consumers, the most important thing of leading physical store into online stores after discussing with the wholesaler in practice is the basic concepts of the marketing management such as items of price, product, trust, innovation and so forth. Therefore, I strongly believe that the key of the study will be based on the traditional marketing management with the distinguishing characteristic of the internet online store to extend the same. In the case study, the wholesaler is able to cost down its cost by re-grading its organic products and create a new channel via internet online store.


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