  • 學位論文


Mobile Nursing Information System for Preventing Medication Errors Development

指導教授 : 謝瑞建


近來有研究報告指出,造成醫療疏失的主因並非個人因素而是醫療照護過程不完善而造成的。而醫療機構中較容易發生藥物錯誤的原因是醫囑的修改,未能即時的反應到護理人員在給病患用藥的最後一個作業,而在治療精神病患的醫療機構中,醫師更是常需依病患的狀況來調整病患的用藥。因此如何讓護理人員能夠在給病患用藥時取得最即時且正確的用藥清單以減少藥物錯誤,是醫療機構首要要解決的問題。本研究利用有射頻辨識(RFID)的行動資訊系統即時向醫院資訊系統 (HIS)取得病患用藥清單,並記錄給藥過程的五對: 病患要對、藥物要對、服法要對、劑量要對、時間要對,實現安全的病患用藥。本系統架構是由HIS、藥物識別系統、病患安全事件報告系統、閘道伺服器及PDA等五大系統組成。其中HIS提供病患用藥清單等相關資訊、藥物識別系統提供藥物圖片相關資訊、病患安全事件報告系統讓護理人員維護病患照片、病人安全注意事項等資訊、閘道伺服器在HIS及藥物識別系統有資料異動時將異動之資料做異質資料庫的資料轉換並同步到閘道伺服器的資料庫,並即時提供給護理人員使用的 PDA以進行藥車對藥、藥杯對藥、病患給藥等功能。讓護理人員在執行病患給藥的作業時能辦識病人、讀取即時的用藥相關資訊並能在當下將給藥記錄及藥物事件記錄到閘道伺服器以供護理人員查閱。本研究讓護理人員使用PDA及RFID讀取器做病患辦識並自動讀取最即時的用藥相關資訊協助給藥作業以減少藥物錯誤事件的發生,並能夠讓護理人員在當下就能完成給藥記錄單填寫的工作同時也能記錄藥物事件,進而減少護理人員因忙而漏了或寫錯給藥記錄單的問題及工作量。


RFID Reader Tag 病人辨識 藥物錯誤 病人安全


Recent studies indicated that the major medication errors result from the procedural flaws while the healthcare is delivered but not a nurse’s recklessness while medication administration is conducted. The major reason why medication errors are reported in a hospital is that patients’ medical treatments are constantly changed and the nurse is not always to get the latest medical treatment lists in the administration procedures. Therefore, it is vital to provide the latest medical treatment lists to the nurses when they are doing the administration procedures. In this study, we proposed a mobile system using radio frequency identification (RFID) and personal digital assistant (PDA), which are integrated with the Hospital Information System (HIS), to provide nurses with real-time patients’ medical treatment lists. The proposed system is consisted of HIS, Drug Identification System (DIS), Patient Safety Event Reporting System (PSERS), Middle-Gateway (MG) and PDA. HIS contains inpatients’ medical treatment plans and relative information. DIS contains the drug picture and relative information. PSERS is used by nurses to upload inpatients’ pictures, maintain inpatients’ safety events and print inpatients’ medical treatment records. MG synchronizes and transforms the relative data from HIS and DIS. PDA provides nurses with abilities to indentify patients’ status, to access medical treatment plans in real time and to record inpatients’ medical treatments in database. This mobile system helps nurses to reduce workload and enhance patient safety while nurses are performing medication administration.


Patient Identification Medication Error RFID Reader Tag


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