  • 學位論文


The discussion about factors of default on mortgage –Taking M bank as an example

指導教授 : 丘邦翰


2008年美國的次級房貸風暴引爆成全球金融海嘯,導致景氣衰退,各國的經濟空前惡化。為搶救委靡不振的經濟,各國政府無不採取寬鬆的貨幣政策。目前台灣利率偏低,在超低利率及寬鬆的銀根下,資金浮濫助長股市及房地產市場投機熱潮。另兩岸經濟協議(ECFA)相關議題不斷熱炒,加上房地產建案不斷推升,台北新北都會地區房價更一路飆高,令人憂心忡忡。 為避免重蹈次貸風暴的覆轍,本研究探討房屋貸款逾期放款之風險因素,經由文獻分析與個案探討,提出影響房屋貸款逾期放款的重大因素。研究結果顯示,在經濟景氣時,房地產市場價格高漲,而景氣衰退時,房地產價格市場低落,一旦違約,往往淪落至法拍。房價大幅滑落時,銀行債權的保障大受影響,自個案中可看出不僅整個處理過程繁瑣且時間漫長,且損失金額常常是2-3成,有時則高達五成以上。故在景氣繁榮時更應注意擔保品及貸款金額的成數,以確保銀行債權,才能避免損失過巨。 貸款戶的違約因素中職業性質及工作年資為重要關鍵,它可以看出一個人對工作的態度,亦可瞭解工作是否處於穩定狀態,中、高年資可看出工作的穩定性,持續收入的來源無疑,較不易產生逾期,若工作不穩定則發生逾期放款的機率將會增加,故應將工作屬性及年資因素列為重要的審核因素。


US subprime mortgage crisis in 2008 caused global financial turmoil and the worldwide economy entered into recession aftermath. In order to rescue the fragile economy, governments took accommodative policy in response. Nowadays, record-low interest rate level and ample liquidity in capital market result in speculation in equity and real estate market. In addition, hot discussed topic ECFA and large increase of new building projects push home price rocket up in Taipei metropolitan area. To avoid repeating the same error of subprime mortgage crisis in US, the paper is to figure out the influential risk factors to cause non-performing loans though literature analysis and case study. The study shows in upward business cycle, real state price soars; while in recession, real estate price dives and becomes foreclosure once default occurs. From case study, we can see bank creditor’s right is largely impacted along with the sharp decline of house price, and the whole dealing process is tedious and long. The loss amount is often twenty to thirty percent and even fifty percent at some cases. Hence in robust economic cycle, banks should care for the collateral quality and mortgage loan level to ensure bank creditor’s right in recession. Occupation and working experience are crucial factors to mortgage default rate. Working attitude and experience contribute to the stability of work. Senior working experience can add stability of work and consistent income also reduces the mortgage default rate. Unstable work will increase the risk of mortgage default. Hence occupation and working experience should be listed as important mortgage loan adoption factors.


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