  • 學位論文


A Study of Dhyana Poetry by Wang Wei (China) and Xuan Guang (Viet Nam)

指導教授 : 胡順萍


王維(701~761)和玄光(1254~1334),雖不同年代,然皆生於兩個朝代的盛時期。兩朝代的思想皆以儒佛道為趨向,尤其佛教思想的提倡。王維二十歲時,赴首都長安參加國考,得到公主的賞識和舉薦,從而讓他一舉登第,而二十一歲時,開始作官。他青少年時期表示有別才的人,然仕途不順利,後奉行佛法,尋訪桃源。玄光二十一歲考上狀元,精通文書,出任招待特使,深受皇帝信任與重用,作官三十年之後出家受戒。兩位詩人這樣的經歷,使得詩歌隨之而有不同的風格。因為詩辭是內心世界的陳述,王維與玄光禪詩中皆蘊含著對淨土西方極樂世界的一種寄託。 本文研究王維與玄光禪詩的目標在於介紹王維與玄光的禪詩內容及意象,歸納禪詩之相通性及區別點與探討兩位詩人之禪詩的本質是相通的。其正文共分六章,第一章為緒論,敘述本文所欲探討的內容方向並依此呈顯本文的研究意義與價值;第二章簡介中國唐朝與越南陳朝的特徵對詩人的影響與本文的相題論說明;第三章為王維禪詩的內容與意象表現;第四章為玄光禪詩的內容與意象表現;第五章為王維與玄光禪詩之相通性與區別點,將前第二、三、四章所探討之內容,擷取出兩家詩人的相通性與區別處,和第六章為結語。其禪意的內容及意象在深層內涵中是兩位詩人皆放下俗世雜念、遠離紅塵,以佛教出世的修行,來達到修行悟道法喜充滿的境界。


王維 玄光 禪詩 意象


Although Wang Wei (701~761 ) and Xuan Guang(1254~1334) were not born at the same dynasty, they were both born on the heyday of their own dynasty. Both of the dynasties valued Confucianism and Taoism, especially promoted Buddhism. At the age of 20, Wang Wei went to Chang An for the National examination. Apart from his talent, he was supported and highly recommended by the authorities and won the first honorable prize. At the age of 21, he became a mandarin, serving the dynasty. Despite his undisputable talent as a young man, his occupational path was not smooth. He, then, followed Buddhist theories, seeking for a Taoyuan ( a beautiful, fairly-land and isolated world). Xuan Guang passed the doctoral examnination with the first position. He mastered literature. Under his dynasty, he was always appointed to be the ambassador to welcome the Chinese ambassadors. After his 30 years of mandarin status, he became a Buddhist monk. The fact that Wang Wei and Xuan Guang both experienced similar events of lives, their writing styles were also affected by those changing events. Due to the fact that poetic language is the means for the internal feelings to be expressed, the poems of Wang Wei and Xuan Guang consist of their implications for a Western heavens of Amitabha. The purposes of this study are (1) to introduce the contents and the intertwined connection between the poet’s underlying meanings and the objective images in meditation poetry by Wang We and Xuan Guang, (2) to study the similarities and differences in Dhyana poetry by Wang Wei and Xuan Guang and (3) to prove that the meditation poetry by Wang Wei and Xuan Guang is basically similar. This thesis consists of 6 chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, introducing the contents and methodology of the study. Besides, it also highlights the value and meaningfulness of the thesis. Chapter 2 provides an overall description of the two dynasties – Tang Dynasty (China) and Chen Dynasty (Vietnam) - which had great influence on the writing style of the two poets. Chapter 2 also clarifies the motivations for this study. The contents and the intertwined connection between the poet’s underlying meanings and the objective images in meditation poetry by Wang Wei and Xuan Guang are clearly discussed in chapter 3 and chapter 4 respectively. Based on the previous chapters, chapter 5 presents the similarities and differences in meditation poetry by Wang Wei and Xuan Guang. Chapter 6 is as the conclusion of the study. The implicit contents of their poetry are to resist human desires, live away from material world and follow the Buddhist’s bright way.


Wang Wei Xuan Guang Dhyana poetry Image


