  • 學位論文


A Study of Social Support for the Falling of the Elderly

指導教授 : 陳燕禎


面臨高齡社會的來臨,老人最擔心的是自己的健康問題,而跌倒常會導致不同程度的獨立生活能力喪失,這也是高齡者生活品質惡化的關鍵。本研究旨在瞭解高齡者跌倒後社會支持之情況,並探討高齡者跌倒後的社會支持系統。 本研究採質化研究的深度訪談法,研究對象以跌倒高齡者、主要照顧者及專家進行三方的訪談,收集第一手深度性資料,共完成訪談19位。 跌倒常會導致生理上身體功能障礙和行動不便,而社會支持的提供會影響到高齡者生活品質。依跌倒高齡者的社會支持來源將其分為三種類型,坦然面對型高齡者擁有的社會支持多,生活品質最高;得過且過型高齡者以家庭為主,與友人互動少;被迫接受型高齡者的生活品質最低,需要高度依賴正式支持系統。不論是預防策略或跌倒後的康復,都需要完善的社會支持系統,才能使跌倒高齡者的傷病時間縮短、心理調適佳、經濟安全無虞、獲得妥善的照顧及擁有豐富的資訊。本研究亦提出具體建議:1.在跌倒高齡者方面,要審視跌倒因素、注重營養及運動,保持健康心態,維持親友網絡;2.在照顧者方面,要加強情緒控管,必要時申請專業照顧服務換取喘息時間,學習訊息的取得與專業照顧;3.在政府方面,要加強福利政策的宣導,積極照顧弱勢的家庭,推廣遠距照顧科技。


With the advent of an aging society, the elderly in Taiwan are most worried about their health problems. The falling will lead to different degrees of losing living ability of independence. This misfortune will be a key to deteriorate the quality of life for the elderly. This study aims to understand the situation of social support system for the falling of the elderly, and explore the social support system for the falling of the elderly. This study adopts in-depth interviews in a qualitative method. Three-party interviews with the elderly who fall, major caregivers and experts have been conducted to collect first-hand, in-depth information, in which are 19 interviewees in total. The falling often leads to mental dysfunction and physical disability and immobility. Nevertheless, the quality of life for the elderly will be influenced by offering the social support. The elderly are divided into three types in terms of social support for the falling of the elderly. In “face in a positive attitude” type, the elderly enjoy the highest quality of life. In “drift along” type, the elderly are mainly related with their families and they do not often interact with friends. In “accept by force” type, the elderly highly rely on the formal support system. Whether the strategy of prevention or recovery of the falling, it is necessary to have complete social support system, which makes the falling of the elderly shorten falling injuries, adjust to mental health, have economic security, gain in care properly and have more information. Finally, this paper also provides forth concrete proposals: 1. At the aspect of the falling of the elderly, we are required to examine the factors of falling, focus on nutrition and exercise, keep a healthy mind, strengthen and maintain networks with friends; 2. For caregivers, they must strengthen their emotional control; if necessary, they can apply for professional care services, access to information in time, and learn professional care; 3. For the Government, they should strengthen and educate people to know welfare policies, actively take care of disadvantaged families, and promote long-distance care technologies.


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