  • 學位論文


Preliminary Study on Self service System of Electric Medical Record Account in One Regional Hospital

指導教授 : 詹前隆


本論文為一個初探性研究,主要目的在於了解醫院推動電子病歷網路自助服務系統之可行性。研究者從民眾、護理人員、醫生、以及醫院管理者的角度來探討他們對系統建置的態度。研究者採用問卷調查法,共回收有效問卷194份,運用SPSS統計軟體進行分析。研究結果發現:一、整體而言受訪者對網路自助服務系統的各個方面皆持肯定的態度。二、整體而言受訪者對於電子病歷各項好處皆持於正面的態度。三、影響電子病歷自助服務系統的主要因素為身分、教育程度、以及過去使用醫院網路系統之經驗。四、電子病歷自助服務系統可能帶來的負面影響包括完整性不足、駭客入侵、增加工作負擔等問題。 根據以上結論,研究者在最後提出相關建議,希望藉此促進系統建置更加完備。


The thesis is a preliminary Study. This research aim is to explore the feasibility that hospitals establishing “Self service System of Electric Medical Record Account”. The researcher discusses this subject from the common people, the nurse, the doctor, and the supervisor of hospitals. I analyze their attitudes by questionnaire survey. There are total 194 effective samples. The results as follows: 1. The respondents have positive attitude about Self Service System. 2. The respondents have positive attitude about Electric Medical Record Account. 3. The factors of establishing “Self service System of Electric Medical Record Account” are the identity, education, and the experience of using hospitals’ network system. 4. The negative influence of “Self service System of Electric Medical Record Account” are complete-less, computer virus, and extra work loading. According to the research conclusion, researcher puts forward the suggestions.


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