  • 學位論文


Study on Business Development Strategy for the Regional Media Advertising Industry - A Case of the P Company

指導教授 : 陳家祥


國內各產業大舉西進外移以及美國次級房貸問題引發一連串的全球性金融風暴等因素衝擊了國內的內需市場,這些國內外經濟環境的大幅變化連帶影響了國內的廣告產業,自2005年起連續五年呈現衰退的趨勢。再加上網際網路、戶外廣告等新興媒體瓜分一般傳統媒體的廣告經費,大眾媒體逐漸式微,各分眾媒體隨之興起,使得已經進入產業成熟期的廣告市場更邁向微利的時代。而以中小企業為主要客戶群的地區性媒體廣告業無法幸免,也深受到近年國內經濟環境變化的劇烈衝擊,因此市場中的經營業者紛紛調整其經營策略以面對這些巨變。 本研究選擇P公司為個案研究對象,對地區性媒體廣告業的經營策略進行探討,並透過產業價值鏈、五力分析、SWOT分析等思考架構來進行個案公司經營策略及營運方針的剖析,再檢視個案公司近年來的績效表現來探究其採行策略的正確性、適時性,以及個案公司所面對的困境與挑戰,進而提出一些策略上的建議。 本研究發現個案公司採行的經營策略的確使得企業的規模不斷的擴大,但同時也面臨了固定成本逐年提高、人事成本較同業高、營運資金需求日益增加、顧客高度集中特定行業與出現流失等四大項的問題。因此,在追求企業成長的同時應該審慎檢視國內經濟環境與媒體產業的雙重變化對企業的影響,並進行經營策略上的修正與調整。


A series of global financial storms have shocked the market demands domestically due to the US subprime mortgage crisis. Since 2005, the domestic advertising industry has been in recession for 5 consecutive years because of the aforementioned significant changes in both the domestic and international economic environment. A percentage of advertising expenses that used to be allocated for traditional media alone now goes to online advertising and other new media like outdoor advertising, resulting in the decline of traditional advertising media. Moreover, with the rise of focus media, the more mature advertising market is heading into a low-profit era. Regional media advertising industries mainly targeting medium and small enterprises are no exception and have been greatly affected by the changes in the domestic economic environment in recent years. Therefore, businessmen adjust their strategies to adapt to these changes. Taking Company P as the study subject, the research conducts a discussion of the business strategies of the regional media advertising industry, and analyzes the business strategies and operational policies of Company P using the industrial value chain, five forces analysis and SWOT as its framework. Furthermore, the performance of Company P in recent years is examined to explore its employed strategy’s accuracy and timeliness and the difficulties and challenges it faces so as to provide some suggestions and alternatives. The research finds the business strategy employed by the case company indeed makes the enterprise scale larger but it currently faces four problems such as the annual increase of fixed costs, higher personnel cost, continuous increase of operational funds and high centralization of customers in the specified industry and the loss of customers. Consequently, while the growth of the enterprise is pursued, the influence of both the domestic economic environment and the media industry on the enterprise should be examined and the business strategies should be modified and adjusted accordingly.


1. 台灣經濟研究院產經資料庫(2011),「廣告業之現況與展望」。
2. 台灣經濟研究院產經資料庫(2010),「廣告業基本資料」。
3. 台灣經濟研究院產經資料庫(2010),「廣告業景氣動態報告」。
4. 台灣經濟研究院產經資料庫(2010),「廣播電視業之現況與展望」。
