  • 學位論文


A Study on The Influence of Chinese Labor Shortage on Local Taiwanese Corporation’s Human Resource and Strategic Differences–Take F Company as A Case

指導教授 : 李弘暉


過去中國大陸因租稅優惠、人力成本較低、土地與原材料價格便宜等優勢,吸引眾多台商赴大陸投資;但隨著中國快速發展,部分業者往內陸二線城市移動,許多原本在沿海工作的農民工紛紛返鄉,造成中國大陸在世界工廠的轉型過程中出現缺工潮,更致使台商在經營上倍感壓力。 本研究採用個案研究法及專家訪談,探討中國缺工潮對於台商的人力資源影響層面,及如何調整人力資源佈局及策略。針對台商之策略性人力資源管理,本研究發展出策略、戰術及操作層次等三項觀點主題;在策略層次的部份,「本土化」目前為台商較佳的策略性人力資源管理指導方針,無論在沿海或內陸地區,協助員工職涯發展的規劃,以讓員工對公司願景有更明確的努力方向,方是長遠根本之計。在戰術層次上,企業若能盡快調整價值鏈結構以符合產業變化,便可解決勞動力短缺問題。在操作層次上,不能再以圖取當地便宜的勞動力的經營心態,必須建立策略化及彈性的人力資源管理制度,方能永續經營發展。


Over the past, China’s tax incentives, lower labor costs, cheap land and raw materials and other advantages had attracted many Taiwanese companies invest there. But with China's rapid development, some of the companies moved to inland’s second-tier cities, and led to many coastal migrant labors returned to their homeland. This not only caused China which is on the transformation from world factory to market burst critical labors shortage, but also caused great pressure on Taiwanese companies. This study used case study to find the influences of China labor shortage on local Taiwanese companies’ human resource(HR) practices and HR deployment and strategy adjust. For these companies’ strategic human resource management (HRM), this study developed a strategic, tactical and operational level topics. On the strategic level, "localization" is currently a better strategic HRM guidance policy for local Taiwanese companies. Whether in coastal or inland areas, companies should assist staff to build career development planning so that employees will have a more clear direction of company vision, and this is the fundamental long-term solution. On the tactical level, companies should adjust value chain structure to fit industrial change as soon as possible to resolve labor shortage. On the operating level, companies can no longer have the attempts of get local cheap labor mentally. We must establish policies and flexibility of HRM system in order to sustainable development.


[35]全漢企業股份有限公司網站 http://www.fsp-group.com.tw。
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