  • 學位論文


Dispatching Rule Selection for Multi-Objective Flexible Flow Shop Scheduling – A Case Study of TFT-LCD Polarizer Manufacturing Company

指導教授 : 徐旭昇


偏光板為TFT-LCD 之關鍵零組件,其製程可視為彈性流線型工廠(Flexible flow shop)。本研究以某公司偏光板製程為對象,依據其生產特性與設備,探討何種派工法則最適用於其生產排程;問題同時考慮最小化三個目標:總流程時間、最大延遲時間以及最大完工時間等。本研究依實際狀況,每月排單一次,考慮當時已有工單(靜態)以及近一個月內預計到達工單(動態)。納入比較之法則包括:ERD、SSPT、EDD、CR、ATCS、ADR等六種。評估方式包括兩種:(1)柏拉圖比較法;(2)結合AHP與統計方法做比較。第一種方法結論以ADR與SSPT為最佳,第二種方法進一步指出SSPT為最佳。


Polarizer is a key component of TFT-LCD product. Polarizer manufacturing is a flexible flow shop in production scheduling. This research investigates which dispatching rule will best suit the polarizer manufacturing line of a northern Taiwan company. Taking into account production efficiency and competitive market environment, management considers three objectives in evaluating the quality of production scheduling – total flow time, maximum tardiness, and makespan. The investigation consists of four stages: (1) collecting relevant data to estimate model parameters, such as job arrival process, job processing times and due dates; (2) generating 50 test instances based on the data; (3) solving 50 test instances with a dynamic flexible flow shop scheduling algorithm using six distinct dispatching rules – ERD (earliest release date), SSPT (shortest setup and process time), EDD (earliest due date), CR (critical ratio), ATCS (apparent tardiness cost with setups), and ADR (aggregating dispatching rules); (4) comparing the performances of the six rules, and ranking them via two methods: (a) Pareto domination, and (b) Integration of analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and statistical methods such as Duncan test and Tukey method. According to the results, method (a) concludes that ADR and SSPT are superior, whereas method (b) further concludes SSPT as the better of the two.


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