  • 學位論文


Development and evaluation of dynamic prompting mechanism for self-explaining

指導教授 : 周志岳




Self-explanation has been proven to increase student learning performance, but individual differences exist among students self-explaining performances. Researchers found some mechanisms helpful to enhance the performance of self-interpretations. This study adopts prompting mechanism to student self-explanation. Researchers proposed many prompting mechanisms; however, little studies focus on dynamic prompting mechanism based on student natural language self-explanations. Dynamic prompting mechanism provides different students with different prompts, including location and contents of prompts. This study aimed to develop a dynamic prompting mechanism, which analyzes student natural language self-explanations and self-monitoring on the content, to determine the location and content of prompts. This study developed four sub-mechanisms to realize dynamic prompting: recognization rules of different types of self-identification, type recognization of self-explanations, prompting requirement analysis based on self-explanation and self-monitoring results, and prompting mechanism. This study established 250 recognization rules for different types of self-explanation. The evaluation results showed that the recognition accuracy of recognization rules average is about 74%. This study also compared the effect of dynamic prompting and non-dynamic prompting. The results revealed that dynamic and non-dynamic prompting mechanisms both help student self-explanation. However, the dynamic prompting mechanism can enhance student self-monitoring results, but non-dynamic prompting mechanism cannot change student self-monitoring results. Overall, this study developed a mechanism which can recognize of self-explanation, and a dynamic prompting mechanism to provide prompts according to student self-explanation and self-monitoring results.


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