  • 學位論文


Association research of the environment, self-effect, opportunity of creation business for micro-enterprise – study in north of Taoyuan count

指導教授 : 湯玲郎


中小型企業是台灣經濟發展的重要基礎,也是經濟發展的主要活力來源。依據行政院勞委會對創業者的追蹤發現,每年新創業事業約在十萬家,可以撐過三個月的成功者只有兩成,足見微型創業市場的汰換之高,競爭之激烈。由國內創業相關文獻發現,大多數的研究是針對行業別的創業者人格特質、領導風格、創業行為、成功關鍵因素、經營策略等做探討,較少是對創業環境與創業機會做探討。本研究以創業環境、創業自我效能及創業機會為主要變數,並以北部桃園地區之微型創業者為研究對象,以分析微型企業對於創業環境、創業自我效能及創業機會之間關聯性。 研究藉由問卷調查,總計發出 300 份問卷,回收 197 份,回收率 65.67%;剔除無效樣本 10 份,有效樣本為 187 份,問卷有效率為 94.92%。經由 SPSS 與 AMOS 系統運用敘述性分析、驗證性因素分析及迴歸分析等方法進行實證研究,經研究證實與分析結果如下:(1).創業環境對創業機會有顯著影響;(2).創業環境對創業自我效能有顯著影響;(3).創業自我效能對創業機會有顯著影響。本研究依據建立之模型及實證結果,提出若干管理實務之意涵及後續研究之建議。 最後依本研究結論可以發現,微型企業家在創業前先撰寫創業計劃書,才進行創業行為並無顯著影響。唯創業計劃書將會是創業家需要從外部取得資源之必要工具,也是及早認知未來可能遭遇的各類風險,且提前了解可能個人主觀意願產生衝突的各種事業發展情境,以便尋求因應對策,或預先進行心理調適。所以微型企業家要克服撰寫創業計劃書之心理壓力,要將一切可能引發失敗的事件都予以陳述,以及突破害怕太早對事業策略妄加推斷,可能會限制新事業未來的其它發展機會。且其他學者研究顯示,擅長於規劃的企業,其經營績效會比沒有做規劃的企業要好很多。


The Council of Labor Affair of Taiwan presents data that ten thousand small businesses are created each year; of those, only twenty percent survive after three months. Previous studies have investigated the reasons for these successes by putting focus on the leadership style, behavior, and strategy of the owners. The study of economic environment, self-effect and opportunities are an avenue that will be discussed in this thesis. We looked at companies started in the north of Taoyun county by sending out 300 questionnaires for the research. There was a 65.67% response rate. Of the 197 questionnaires returned, 187 were responded to properly with useable data. We applied Narration Analysis, Verification of Factor Analysis, and Regression Analysis to the data set. The results were as follows: 1.the environment is significantly correlated to the opportunities to the start-up of businesses. 2.the environment is significantly correlated by the self-effect to the start-up of businesses. 3.the self-effect is significantly affected by the opportunities to the start-up of businesses. This thesis will conclude that the risks to starting up a business, is best mitigated when considering the current economic conditions. This will help create better strategies as understanding risks in the early stage of business development will help new owners navigate the many pitfalls around during poor economic times.


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