  • 學位論文


Numerical Analysis of Carbon Dioxide at the Critical State within Plate Heat Exchanger

指導教授 : 林育才




The study attempts to use carbon dioxide at supercritical states to replace traditional refrigerants in plate heat exchanger. The critical states of carbon dioxide is at 7.8Mpa and 330 K, and therefore the plate heat exchanger is operated over the super-critical statet. Conventional numerical simulation methods for plate heat exchangers are not available, because the physical properties of carbon dioxide vary drastically around the critical point. In the study, a numerical code has been developed to simulate the distributions of pressure, temperature, and flow velocity of both carbon dioxide and water. The simulation results show that, when inlet velocity is at 0.1m/s, the corresponding pressure and velocity become higher while approaching the outlet; the increase of inlet velocity makes the phenomenon more obvious. Besides, the outlet temperature of water channel becomes higher while approaching the outlet; on the contrary, the outlet temperature of carbon dioxide becomes lower while approaching the outlet. Comparing to the literature, we found that the simulation results obtained by the developed code are correct and the code can thus be further applied to other cases.


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