  • 學位論文


The Moderating Role of Transparency in Ethical Decision Making

指導教授 : 黃文曄


所謂的道德兩難困境問題,指在具有道德爭議的情況下,個人會依照自身的理由去做選擇決策,但決策結果不一定是被人們所認同的(Bigelow 1977)。當這樣的情況發生在醫療領域的影響多半都很嚴重,因為醫療相關決策動輒關乎一個人的生死,後果有時候不單只是金錢上的損失或是情緒上的不悅,而是與生命健康有重大關係。然而在醫病之間有著專業知識差距,使彼此在資訊解讀與取得有相當的不對稱(楊秀儀 2000),當面臨如此重大決策時,病患或其家屬竟沒有任何掌握自身權益的能力,也無法為自身做出最佳判斷;在決策具有道德爭議的情況下,這可能會進一步導致醫療糾紛的發生。因此,醫療領域的道德問題是值得被關注的。 本研究提出以建立雙向的資訊交流來實現透明度,並說明透明度的建立會影響道德決策過程,尤其是會影響到個人對於議題是否具有道德爭議的看法。並透過醫療領域所發生的道德困境或道德問題,瞭解透明度的建立是否會對道德決策中,個人知覺道德問題與道德意圖產生影響,其影響變化為何。進一步希望能夠幫助消弭醫病雙方在地位與資訊方面的不對稱,減少醫療服務人員的不道德行為,避免醫療糾紛的發生。 本研究採用情境式問卷調查方式進行實證資料之蒐集,並使用實驗設計方法與二因子變異數分析探討透明度對道德強度與道德意圖的調節關係。結果發現,透明度之調節效果,當透明度建立時,道德問題察覺程度對於個人道德行為意圖之影響將受到干擾。


When people have disputes regarding the same ethically questionable issue, the dilemma of ethical issue comes out(Bigelow 1977). When it comes to the medical field, ethically questionable problems are even more significant in such that domain knowledge in the medical field is largely controlled by medical personnel such as doctors and nurses, and this leads to knowledge asymmetry and varying value systems between doctors and patients. This might further result in disputes in decisions on medical treatments and ethically questionable situations. Therefore, ethical issues in the medical field deserve significant attention. This study adopts perspectives of effective communication to comprehend how transparency can be achieved. Information providers and receivers attend to the same ideas and reach consensus. The major goal of this research is to study the effect of transparency onto the degree to which individuals perceive target issues as ethically questionable, and whether there will be influences of transparency in the effect of decision making when facing ethical dilemma. We hope that through exchange of information, it would mend the gap of previous disagreements and conflicts towards achieving a consensus. This study used scenario questionnaires to collect our data, and then adopted experimental design and Two-Way ANOVA analysis to know the moderating role of transparency in ethical decision making. The consequence showed that transparency has moderate effect. Once the transparency is exist, the awareness of ethical issues about the intention of individual moral behavior will be affected.


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