  • 學位論文

區域性房地產行銷策略之研究 -以桃園地區房屋建案為例

Research of Regional Real Estate Marketing Strategies -A Real Estate Promotion Case in Taoyuan Area

指導教授 : 王秉鈞


台灣房地產近十年來每年推案量數千億,行銷總預算從數十億到數百億。奢侈稅上路後加上接連爆發的債信危機仍如滾雪球一般,繼續影響全球財經,整個大環境在變化。在以往房地產產品,所重視的是位置、建物品質、價格及生活機能,往往忽略運用行銷策略顯現本身建案的優勢與區域性的競爭者競爭,達到成功銷售的目的。但不論時代演變或社會衝擊,為何總有些建案還是能順利銷售,這突顯了房地產行銷策略研究重要性,這也是房地產業界最想了解與探討的問題! 本論文的研究結果,從購地決策上運用經驗判斷及策略思維亦影響策略的運用,對於房屋推案所運用的行銷策略,在市場區隔的關鍵因素是針對首購客調整變更房屋坪數,尤其在土地取得成本非常低,所以行銷組合(產品、價格、銷售、通路)得以靈活運用以扮演房屋推案成功的關鍵因素,本論文的研究結果希望對建築業、代銷業及學術界能有所幫助及貢獻。


行銷環境 市場區隔


In each year of the past ten years, sales value of real estates in Taiwan exceeded several hundred billions NT dollars and marketing budget ranged from several billion to tens of billions of NT dollars. Since the Luxury Tax went on effect last year, the market has become conservative. Additionally, the European debt crisis in a succession has been rolled like a snow ball which keeps influencing global finance and changing the big environment. Real estate products usually features location, quality of building, price, living function without utilizing marketing strategy to highlight advantages of the housing itself and to compete with regional opponents so as to reach successful sales. If real estate does not rise in price, a nation’s finance and competitiveness won’t grow. Regardless of time evolution or social impact, there are always some housing projects which still sell very well. The result of the present study shows that judgment by experiences is a decision rule on buying land property, the key factor of Market Segmentation is changing scale for first home buyers. Hence, a marketing combination (including product, price, marketing and channel) can be exercised flexibly as a critical way that brings a housing project to success. The results of the present study hope to provide some help to and make a contribution to the building industry, real estate sales agent industry as well as academia.


高子梅譯( 2003),Rick Crandall,顧客服務最佳行銷方法,城邦文化事業股份有限公司,台北。
