  • 學位論文

學校與社區共同推動環境教育的新模式 -以桃園縣龍潭鄉高原地區為例

A New Model of School-Community Partnership that Promotes Environmental Education-Taking the Example of Gaoyuan Area in Longtan Township, Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 劉阿榮


我國2010年頒布的環境教育法中,全體國民均為環境教育的對象。在推展層面上,相當倚賴學校正規教育和社會非正規教育兩大管道,桃園縣龍潭鄉高原地區在推動環境教育的領域裡,多年以來皆有相當傑出的表現並獲獎無數。本文透過深度訪談、參與觀察與文獻探討等方式,探討此地區學校與社區之間,以夥伴合作關係推動環境教育的模式。 研究結果發現,高原地區學校與社區共同推動環境教育的模式為:(1)學校與社區基於地理和族群的認同感,透過互動、溝通、互惠互利、資源共享等途徑,建立密切的夥伴合作關係。(2)學校與社區透過溝通而凝聚共識,擬定出環境教育目標。(3)學校與社區必須開發及運用社區裡的各項資源,其中以人力資源最為重要。(4)學校與社區彼此場地、設施的開放使用。(5)學校與社區彼此參與活動並提供支援和服務。唯此模式係憑藉傳統農村地理與族群認同的共識為基礎,並未建立相關制度化的機制,實處於一種不穩定、可變動的狀態。


Taiwan’s Environmental Education Law, introduced in the year 2010, stipulates that citizens nationwide shall receive environmental education, with the law enforcement relying heavily on regular and irregular education offered, respectively, by schools and non-school facilities (i.e., social organizations). For many years, the Gaoyuan area in Longtan Township, Taoyuan County, has garnered excellent achievements and numerous honors with regard to environmental education, which prompted this paper’s author to explore the model of school-community partnership for environmental education efforts in the Gaoyuan area by means of in-depth interviewing, participant observation, and literature review. According to the research results, there are five dimensions of the Gaoyuan area’s school-community partnership model for environmental education efforts, namely: (1) the school and its neighboring community share geographical/ethnic identities and build close a partnership through interactions, communications, reciprocal measures, and resource sharing; (2) the school and its community reach a consensus through communications, and then jointly determine the goals for environmental education; (3) the school and its community are required to develop/utilize all the community resources, particularly the human resources; (4) the school and its community share venues and facilities; (5) the school and its communities jointly participate in environmental education events, offering support and services to each other. But the model is actually in an unstable, or changeable, state because it is based on the geographical/ethnic consensus of a traditional farming village, in the absence of any institutionalized mechanism.


