  • 學位論文


The Roles of the Credit Rating Agencies Before and After European Sovereign-Debt Crisis

指導教授 : 丘邦翰


自金融海嘯後,影響全球的金融市場,因而引發了歐債危機。美國三大信評機構標準普爾、穆迪以及惠譽國際在金融海嘯前因做出了不實之評價,以致其債券違約,一連串引發骨牌效應倒閉風波。而信評機構的功能,必須要是公正客觀,透過信評機構評等報告,使被評等機構的資訊可藉此讓投資人作為參考之依據。但就目前信用評等機構的產業結構而言,三強獨大之局面,擁有將近85-95%之市占率,可說金融市場之評等機構已被三大信評機構「寡占」。因此信評機構之評等機制是否仍具參考價值。 本研究自金融海嘯發生延續至歐債危機,蒐集三大信評機構針對各國信用評等調整之事件,以及相關信評機構評價之報導,已可看出自金融海嘯發生後,信用評等機構之評論已遭受社會大眾及投資者之質疑;進而演進到歐債事件發生,信評機構一致性的調降國家之信用評等也遭受到各國之抨擊及批評。雖說這三大信評機構已受到國際認同,但對於近年來之評價已漸漸失去其公允性,而投資人依賴信評機構之資訊也逐漸降低,因此在投資者評估投資標的時,信評機構之投資評等雖可當作參考依據,但實際上也應對投資標的本身有足夠的了解,才可避免一昧盲從追隨已逐漸失去公正客觀之信評機構之資訊。


The financial tsunami had effected the global financial markets and caused the European sovereign-debt crisis. Standard & Poor's, Moody's and Fitch, the three major credit rating agencies in the USA which occupy nearly 85-95% of the market share and are considered as "oligopoly", did the false evaluation which resulted in the bonds default and triggered a domino effect. It is the basic function of credit rating agencies to provide impartial and objective reports for investors to make investment decisions. However, the performance of these credit rating agencies has become seriously questionable. Based on collecting news related to the credit rating agencies and evaluation and adjustment of the sovereignl credit ratings from the beginning of the financial tsunami through European sovereign-debt crisis, this study finds that credit ratings made by the oligopolists has been challenged by investors after the financial tsunami. Moreover, credit rating agencies are also subjected to the criticism during European sovereign-debt crisis. Even the credit rating agencies have been recognized internationally but the investors have gradually lost their faith on these “unfair evaluations”. Therefore, it is important for investors to not only to review the report from credit rating agencies but also to access sufficient information about the investment.


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