  • 學位論文

社會資本與科技接受對K12網路學習平台參與利益認知 與教師自我效能之影響:以桃園縣國中教師為例

The Effects of Social Capital and Technological Acceptance on Participation Benefits Cognition and Self-Efficacy Perceptions of K12 Digital Learning for Tao-Yuan District Junior High Teachers

指導教授 : 廖淑伶


摘 要 本研究的目的在於了解桃園縣國中教師使用K12網路學習平台之後影響自我效能提升的前置因素,探討教師使用K12網路學習平台是否受社會資本、科技接收、K12平台產生利益認知的影響,進而產生對自我學習效能提升。 首先從相關文獻中尋找資料,成為本研究的理論基礎與建立架構的依據;其次,使用K12網路學習平台後的調查問卷作為研究資料,以參與K12網路學習平台的國中教師為研究對象,進行問卷調查,再從問卷資料分析中,歸納整理出本研究的結果。本研究抽樣桃園縣16所國民中學207位教師,調查結果以描述性統計、信度分析、迴歸分析、相關係數矩陣、平均變異數與組合信度分析、結構方程模式與路徑分析等統計方法,進行資料分析與探討,歸納以下結論: 壹、 社會資本之信念、信任、規範認知對K12網路學習平台會正向影響 貳、 科技接受之知覺易用性、行為意圖對K12網路學習平台會正向影響 參、 教師使用K12網路學習平台對自我效能提升有正向顯著 肆、 社會資本透過K12網路學習平台對教師自我效能提升有正向顯著 伍、 科技接受透過K12網路學習平台對教師自我效能提升有正向顯著 關鍵字:社會資本、科技接受、K12數位學校、自我效能


ABSTRACT The goal of this investigative paper is to understand the antecedents of the efficacy in Tao Yuan District teachers when using K12 Digital Learning. I will investigate how Social Capital and Technology Acceptance positively interacts with K12 Digital Learning Model boosting self efficacy in students. I began an initial survey into the literature to establish a logical basis and structure for the paper; I began my study by using K12 Digital Learning's survey questionnaire as a research data and K12 Digital Learning Model teachers as research participants. After collecting the data, I came to the findings explored in this paper. This paper targets Tao-Yuan District's 16 middle schools and 207 middle school teachers. I will report my findings through descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, related coefficient analysis, mean, covariance, composite reliability, structural equation model and path analysis. Through the analysis of my data, I have come to these following conclusions: (1) Social Capital's recognition and trust and normalization of K12 Digital Learning Model positively influence. (2) Technological Acceptance's perceived usability and behavioral intention to use towards K12 Digital Learning Model positively influences. (3) Teachers using K12 Digital Learning Model to positively influence the boost of student efficacy. (4) Social Capital usage of K12 Digital Learning Model positively influences the boost of teacher efficacy. (5) Technological Acceptance of K12 Digital Learning Model positively influences the boost of teacher efficacy. Keywords:Social capital、Technology Acceptance、K12 Digital School、Self-efficacy


陳盈秀(2006)。《K12 數位學校之關鍵成功因素探討》。國立中山大學 資訊管
學傳播研究所 碩士論文。
國立臺灣師範大學 工業教育研究所 碩士學位論文。
