  • 學位論文


Management and development of Me media for Blog as example

指導教授 : 王秉鈞


目前,我們身處 Web 2.0(第二代網路)的時代。Web 2.0 原本是一種資訊產業上的商業革命,而隨著全球化趨勢的影響,Web 2.0時代被大量的個人媒體(部落格、影音部落格、播客)所取代,這些渠道的出現,使內容出版變得輕而易舉。在社群網路興起的的狂潮席捲下,最具代表的個人媒體--部落格,其深度的閱讀價值以及內容不但不可取代,反而也因這股社群網路傳播的力量,讓原本的作品及個人的專業知識、興趣愛好被更多人看到並認同。 為了更進一步了解個人媒體的經營與發展,本研究將以部落格為研究對象,從五個問題探討知名部落客的如何用心經營部落格及對部落格未來期許為主題,深入了解個人媒體的經營及發展。 經訪談結果後,結果如下: 1、個人媒體是大眾媒體在資訊社會下衍生出來的新媒體 2、個人媒體是以大眾媒體的架構發展,但比大眾媒體更容易及貼近地改變人類生活方式。 3、個人媒體為個人的興趣、愛好、對社會的新聞時事的發表意見平台,越用心經營的個人媒體工作者,其作品利用大眾媒體的曝光,以及社群媒體的連結將會更受更多社會人士及網友的認同。 4、完全以個人媒體為謀生的部落客還是少數,廣告收益還無法可以完全平衡個人的生活支出,但專業的個人媒體工作可以以衍生性的活動、出書、創業等方式,實現自己原本的夢想。 最後,研究者根據研究結果及發現做一綜合論述,並提出幾項建議供未來研究者參考。


We live in a web 2.0 era . Originally, web2.0 was a kind of commercial revolution in information industry. However, due to the impact of globalization, Me media (blogs, video blog, podcast) in the web 2.0, so publishing articles and information became easier with those new technologies of media. Furthermore, the method of how to get data has been changed from paying for limited information to free for infinite data. We must admit that the overwhelming volume of blog, which is the must representative personal media, has made people appreciate its reading value and irreplaceable content. On the other hand, to the power of social network that individual masterpieces, professional knowledge, and personal interests have been widespread and been agreed with. In order to comprehend how Me media has been developed and operated, this study has 4 hypothee that how well-known bloggers manage their blogs carefully. Besides, We will figure out how Me media has become flourished and what’s the blog’s future. The results are as follows: 1、Me media is new medias came from mass media in the information society. 2、Me media has expanded in the mode of mass media. In addition, it’s much easier and more close to change humans’ dairy life than mass media. 3、Me media will change the life of human. 4、The most Me media blogger ,who manage their blog for living, is not possible to completely balance the individual's living expenses. Finally, researcher made a poly conclusion based on survey results and new discoveries and pointed out several suggestions for future research reference


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