  • 學位論文


The study of the game-like instant scoring system in performance appraisal management

指導教授 : 王秉鈞


傳統績效考核的主體可分為主管考核、自我考核、同事考核和下屬考核等不同的面向,而考核的人也會因為主觀意識、喜好及近期效應等問題造成考核上的偏差。目前企業最為頭痛的就是1980年後年輕員工的管理,這群新世代的員工希望能透過工作來獲得成就感、公平性、創新並期望能在融合樂趣的環境中享受工作,傳統的績效管理已不能滿足新世代的員工也無法提升他們對於公司的忠誠度及貢獻度,而他們要的除了努力可以得到即時回饋外也希望自己的未來前途掌握在自己手中,因此如何設計一套新的績效管理來符合新世代員工的思維並引導他們發揮創意、智慧將是人資部門的一個重要挑戰。 線上遊戲受到廣大年輕人的愛好而其影響力更深植人心,它也深深的改變了玩家的思想、生活及文化,許多玩家願意每天花上許多的時間、體力及金錢就是為了能在虛擬的世界中獲得即時回饋的成就感。若可以將線上遊戲帶給人們的熱情、積極、成就感、團隊精神用在職場上並允諾他們也可以如同線上遊戲般得到即時回饋的報酬,是否員工的貢獻及忠誠度會因此大大的提升呢?這是十分值得我們來探討及研究的課題。 本研究依據盛大集團所創的遊戲式管理的二大主軸:職位經驗值及項目經驗值來做為研究的主軸,並分析工作內容及績效項目來規劃一套運用於中小企業的績效管理制度,藉由實際試辦來測試員工接受程度及觀察是否影響員工行為之研究。 組織方面可因員工績效的提升而增加整體競爭力,研究結果中亦發現遊戲式績效管理制度要能全面推行至全公司並發揮最大效用,高階主管的支持與資訊系統的支援也是不可或缺的兩大重要關鍵因素。


Traditional performance reviews usually focus on several aspects which include superior, self, peer and subordinate reviews. Result deviations may come from the subjective perception, personal preference and recent influence of reviewers. Enterprises are now troubled with the management of young employees who are born after 1980. They hope to achieve and expect the enjoyment of fitting themselves in the working environment. Traditional performance management couldn’t satisfy those new ear employees. To get reward from hard working and to develop future careers are their wishes. To deal with such a challenge, HR department has to design a set of performance management. On line games are increasingly popular among youngsters. They dramatically change the ways of thinking, life and culture evolution. Many players take a lot of time, effort and even money to get the feeling of accomplishment in the Virtural-Reality. If those passion, proaction, the feeling of accomplishment and team work consensus gained from playing games can be converted to working practice and get in time reward, would that greatly promote their loyalty and dedication? This subject is worthwhile to research and study. Based on the management theory built-in game developed by Shanda Company, this study has two main axes – positional experience value and project experience value as those axes in this study. To analyze job contents and performance items, we organize a set of management system for small and medium-size enterprises, testing the acceptability to employees and observing the influence to their behavior by actual try. Organizations can benefit by the overall competence upgrading because of employees’ performance promotion. The conclusion also suggested that the result will be maximized if this system has deployed to a whole company. Key factors to the success of course are the support from top management and the help given by information system.


1.Byron Reeves、J. Leighton Read著,不懂魔獸世界,你怎麼當主管,邱鐘義、郭佩雯譯,大是文化有限公司,台北, 2010年。

