  • 學位論文

護理人員對護理資訊系統採納過程之研究: 以護理在職教育E化管理模式建構為例

The Nursing Professionals’ Adoption Process of Nursing E-Learning Information System: The Construction of E-Management Model of Continuing Nursing Education

指導教授 : 廖淑伶


護理專業是以人為主的服務業,在護理照護方式除了原有的專業教育培育之外,需不斷地藉由繼續教育以提升專業能力和素養。全球科技化的改變導致護理在職教育面臨極大的衝擊,企業E化已成為企業運用資訊科技的新趨勢,除了引進網際網路相關資訊科技外,企業流程的改造與E化是一個重要關鍵。國內護理資訊的開發是醫療產業發展最晚的部門,由於護理資訊系統的作業流程複雜且涵蓋的部門眾多,使得護理資訊系統的建置過程,常遭受各種困境與挑戰。而資訊系統在設計及推行時許多考量因素,例如:使用文字畫或圖形介面皆須考量使用者為主而設計,鑑此,推展資訊系統所引發的衝擊更是大幅改變了護理人員既有的工作模式,如何有效將舊有工作模式成功轉化為新的工作型態是護理管理者的挑戰。然而在職教育E化管理之優點有:1.在前置作業、簽到作業、後置作業資料處理上較具正確性且簡單好用。2.在課後滿意度、課後評值、積分的登錄等較為複雜的分析上,比較容易分析結果,進而提升管理效率。3.可提昇在職教育業務的質與量,無論在什麼情況之下,電腦程式具規劃性、正確性,處理資料時,包括資料的搜尋、比對、排序與計算,較不會發生錯誤。有鑑於此,本研究採質性研究方法中的個案訪談法,運用創新採納理論(Adoption of Innovation Theory)所涵蓋之重要概念為研究理論架構,以桃園縣某兩地區教學醫院為個案,從臨床護理人員立場,探討認知屬性與護理資訊系統對於護理人員創新採納過程之滿意度之影響。


Nursing is based on people-oriented services, nursing care modes in addition to existing professional education training; need constantly to enhance professional competence through continuing education and literacy. Changes in nursing work of global science and technology education face great impact, enterprise e has become the new trend of information technology, in addition to the introduction of the Internet-related information technology, and e-business process transformation is an important key. Domestic nursing information departments of the medical industry development is the development of late, Department of nursing information system processes are complex and covers many makes the build process of nursing information system, used to suffer all kinds of difficulties and challenges. Information system in the design and implementation of a number of considerations, such as: using word art or graphic interface to be considered user-oriented design, in view of this, promotion of caused by information systems impact is substantially changed the mode of nursing staff, how to turn old work mode success to new patterns of work is the challenge of care managers. However, e-management advantages of in-service education are: 1. front-post jobs on data processing of jobs, check job, more accuracy and is simple and easy. 2. Upon satisfaction, after class lesson evaluation, integral on more complex analyses such as login, easier analysis, there by improving management efficiency. 3. improve the quality and quantity of in-service education business, no matter what circumstances, planning, correctness of computer programs, data, including search, comparison, sorting of data and calculations, the error does not occur. In view of this, the study on mining method of case interviews in qualitative research methods, applying the theory of innovation adoption (Adoption of Innovation Theory) covers important concepts for the study of theoretical framework, a two regional teaching hospital in Taoyuan County, from the clinical nursing staff positions, explore cognitive properties for nursing staff and nursing information system innovation effect of satisfaction of the adoption process.


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