  • 學位論文


The impact of personal value and the policy of ‘Eight working hours a day’ on teachers’ working attitude after duty time– Organizational climate as a moderator variable

指導教授 : 陳勁甫


本研究旨探討價值觀與教師工作八小時政策對教師下班後工作態度的影響,並觀察組織氣候的調節作用。研究採用問卷調查法,對台灣本島小學教師實施問卷調查,共寄發1127份,回收1090份,扣除無效問卷48份,計有效問卷1042份,有效回收率為92.46%。主要研究工具為Rokeach價值觀量表(RVS)、小學組織氣候量表(OCDQ-RE)及研究者自行編制教師下班後工作態度調查表。所使用統計分法有描述統計分析、信效度分析、獨立樣本及成對樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關與迴歸分析。將所得結果加以歸納,得到下列結論: 一、目前國小教師較重視「目的性價值」。國小教師最重視的價值前五項依序為「健康」、「家庭安全」、「內心的和諧」、「愉快」及「負責」。其中只有「負責」為「工具性價值」。 二、全台小學組織氣候以「開放型」及「投入型」居多。 (一)教師個人認知學校組織氣候為開放型約佔68%、投入型約29%、疏離型約1%、封閉型約2%。 (二)組織層面的整體氣候,本次研究計49所學校,屬於開放型的學校有37所,投入型的學校有12所。 三、價值觀確實能影響教師下班後的工作態度。研究發現「目的性價值」會弱化教師下班後的工作態度,「工具性價值」則對下班後的工作態度有正向的影響。 四、價值觀與下班後的工作態度間,組織氣候具有調節效果,組織氣候分數越高,其下班後的工作態度越正向積極。 五、若明文規定「教師工作八小時」會弱化教師下班後的工作態度。


價值觀 組織氣候


This study aims to investigate the impact of personal value and the policy of ‘8 working hours a day’ on teachers’ opinions toward working after duty time; organization climate as a regulator was also observed. Questionnaire investigation was applied to elementary school teachers in Taiwan. 1127 questionnaire were sent out, and 1042 of them were effectively retrieved with a retrieval rate of 92.46%. The questionnaire consists of Rokeach Value Survey (RVS), Organizational Climate Description Questionnaire for elementary schools (OCDQ-RE), and one seft-developed scale of opinion toward working after duty time. Descriptive Statistics Analysis, Reliability Analysis, Independent-Sample T-test and Paired-Samples T-test, One-Way ANOVA, Correlation Analysis and Linear Regression were used as major statistical techniques. The main findings are as follows: 1. Elementary school teachers value ‘terminal value’ more than instrumental value. The five values the subjects value the most are ‘Health’, ‘Family security’, ‘Inner harmony’, ‘Pleasure’ and ‘Responsibility’. ‘Responsibility’ is the only one ‘instrumental value’. 2. In terms of organization climate, ‘open climate’ and ‘engaged climate’ are found most in elementary schools in Taiwan. 3. Personal values do affect teachers’ opinions toward working after duty time. It was found that terminal value weakens teachers’ willing to work after duty time, while instrumental value poses positive effects. 4.Organization climate works as a regulator between personal value and teachers’ opinions toward working after duty time. Higher score in organization climate leads to more positive opinions. 5.Teachers’ willing to work after duty time would be weakened if the policy of ‘8 working hours a day’ were passed.


高瑞新(2006)。領導行為、組織氣氛與服務品質關係之研究-以高雄港務警察局為例。人力資源管理學報 6(3),95-117。
