  • 學位論文


A Study on the Culture of the Consumption of Designer Bags for Elementary School Teachers:Taoyuan County as an Example

指導教授 : 洪泉湖


全球因交通、資訊的飛躍成長促使各國在經濟、文化、價值觀等方面相互交流加速,臺灣在這幾十年的現代化過程中,國民對於生活品質的要求日漸提高,再加上西方文化的影響,使得台灣消費型態有了很大的轉變。消費市場吹起一股奢華的風潮,走在街頭隨處可見許多名牌精品,其中,名牌包更是受到許多消費者的喜愛。本研究旨在探討現今國小教師名牌包的消費情形,本研究之研究目的是: 一、瞭解國小教師名牌包消費的現況。 二、探討國小教師名牌包消費的動機。 三、分析國小教師名牌包消費的深層因素。 本研究採取質性研究的觀點與方法,採觀察、文本分析及訪談的方式,針對所欲了解之問題進行資料之蒐集,以桃園縣十二名現職國小教師為研究對象,探討國小教師名牌知識的來源、文化資本的涉入程度及社會資本對國小教師名牌包消費之影響。經過實際研究發現: 一:國小教師的名牌知識來源以大眾傳播媒體為主。 二:國小教師的名牌包文化資本含量較少。 三:國小教師的名牌包消費仍是具有炫耀性消費的心態。 四:國小教師的名牌包消費和品味有所落差。 五:社會資本與國小教師名牌包消費關係密不可分。 六:情緒的滿足才是國小教師購買名牌包的主因。 根據上述研究的結果,對相關對象、單位及未來研究提出建議。 關鍵詞:名牌、消費、文化資本、社會資本、符號、品味


名牌 消費 文化資本 社會資本 符號 品味


Along with the changes of the environments and the impacts of the globalization has accelerated the interchanges of the economies, cultures and the view of values in all over the world, and coupled with the influence of the western purchasing behaviors, the better quality of living is demanded and emphasized today in Taiwan society, and consumer behavior is changed from the past years. The brand purse is particularly loved by the Taiwanese purchasers. This research is to discuss and analyze the relationship between purchasing behavior of the brand purse and the elementary teachers. The purposes are: 1. To understand the current consumer behavior for the elementary teachers. 2. To study what is the motivation for the elementary teachers to purchase a brand purse. 3. To analyze the main factors for elementary teachers to purchase brand purses. The study is to understand how elementary teachers to obtain the knowledge of the brand purses, and the relationship between the resource connectors and the brand purse purchasing behavior for elementary teachers by observation, references study, and interviewing twelve 12 current elementary teachers in Taoyuan as focusing group. The results are: 1. The knowledge of the brand purses is mainly from the Mass Media. 2. The elementary teachers have less knowledge for the design concepts and the brand’s background. 3. The one of the reasons of purchasing brand purses is to show off their rich. 4. An elementary teacher may rather buy a certain purse with logo on it than personal tastes. 5. The resource connector has strong relationship for elementary teacher’s purchasing the brand purse. 6. The main factor why elementary teaches buy the brand purse is the happiness. Based on the conclusion from above, the comments will be raised for the related study groups and future studies. Keywords:Brand、Consumption、Cultural capital、Social capital、Taste、 Sign


Social capital Taste Sign Brand Consumption Cultural capital


李玉瑛(2006)。〈Shopping,血拼,瞎拼:逛街購物研究的初探〉。《台灣社會學學刊》。37:207- 236。
