  • 學位論文

從網路傳播觀點探究跨國粉絲行為─ 以日本偶像團體AKB48台灣粉絲為例

Study of Fans' Behavior on Internet Communication- Taking Japan Girl Group AKB48 Taiwan Fans For Example

指導教授 : 石計生


進入資訊社會後,粉絲也有於過去,可以透過網路來追星跟透過網路來取得更多的迷文本,而和Google+以及臉書等合作的藝能人員,也可以透過網路做出一種新的宣傳模式,網路在現今的粉絲文化中,必扮演一重要角色。為了解資訊社會中粉絲與文本的關係,本研究以日本國民偶像團體AKB48在台粉絲為研究對象,透過訪談以及收集各項資料,期從台灣粉絲實際粉絲行為跟線上粉絲行為的連動和回饋,探討網路傳播在跨國粉絲行為中的角色、作用,和傳播效益,最後建構粉絲行為運轉的模型。 本研究發現,線上粉絲行為會連動於實際粉絲行為,實際粉絲行為也會回饋於線上;網路在其中除了傳播資訊,也能作為粉絲活動的場域,更重要的是網路可呈現粉絲群體想像;粉絲雖然已經進入資訊社會,其線下生活卻是影響粉絲行為的主要因素。本研究主要的學術貢獻在於,透過網路的呈現,在資訊社會的粉絲與文本關係中,凸顯了粉絲個別的存在以及重要性,而隨著個別粉絲的出現,在過去研究中粉絲和文本的兩造關係,也轉變為文本在粉絲個人、粉都群體,以及文化工業三方的流動,這種流動讓粉絲在取得文本上有更多元的選擇,讓粉絲能透過網路粉絲行為擁有從消費行為以受制於文化工業化逃開的可能性。


In information society, fans can get more texts on internet, Idols also use social networks, such as Google+ and Facebook, as Marketing and Promotion Strategies. Internet must be the key point in fan culture. Therefore, for understand the relationship between fan and texts in information society. This thesis takes the fans of Japan idol group AKB48 in Taiwan as the research object. And uses interview to analyze AKB48 fans behavior. Discuss the role of internet communication in fan’s behavior And the model of fan behavior The research found that, the online behavior will acts on offline, and the offline will feedback online, too. The role of internet not only communication, also offer space for fan .The most import is that, internet can be emerged on fandom. Although it is in information society, offline life is the main affect of fan behavior. The main contribution of this research is that, Internet can emerge individual important. for discussing the Personal important, the relationship between fan and texts has changed, it turns to texts are flow through Personal、fandom、and cultural industry. This new relationship create more choices for fans to get texts, and the possibility to Leave the cultural industry by internet.


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