  • 學位論文


The colonial experience in Wu Zhuo- Liu’s novels: Perspectives from literary – sociology

指導教授 : 劉阿榮


吳濁流(1900-1976),本名吳建田,新竹縣新埔鎮大茅埔人。是臺灣新文學運動重要作家。他的一生,歷經日治時期與光復後國民政府時期,寫作題材也以此為區別,前期小說以日本統治下的殖民地社會為背景,後期則反映光復後的臺灣社會為主。長篇小說《亞細亞的孤兒》、《無花果》和《臺灣連翹》,則可視為臺灣近代史的縮影。 本研究的目的,是希望透過吳濁流描繪殖民地社會百態的小說作品,探求日治時期到光復初期臺灣社會的面貌,並從而推論成長在日本殖民下的臺灣作家,經歷日本統治到國民政府時代,其寫作的心境的變化,及所抱持的創作精神與理念。除了探討吳濁流對教育、經濟、社會地位、政治層面等問題的深入描寫外,也分析臺灣人在日治時期和光復後,這段期間所經歷的經濟剝削、政治上的不平等、警察的嚴酷統治等問題。 從吳濁流的小說內容,觀察出吳濁流的批判精神,在高壓統治的日治時期與戒嚴時期,皆能直指社會的不公不義,為歷史留下見證。小說中也蘊含了吳濁流對自我認同的探索與盼望族群合作的願景。


Wu Zhuo-Liu (1900-1976) was one of Taiwan new-vernacular literature movement important writers. His life, has repeatedly gone through Japanese colonial rule and the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT)’s period, the writing theme also take this as the dividing line, the preliminary novel governs life of the time take the date as a background, after then later period primarily reflects recovering the Taiwan society. The representative novels like "Asia's Orphan", " The Fig" and "The Taiwan Lien-Giuo(Golden Dewdrop)", establishes him in the Taiwan history of literature important localization. The research aims at Taiwanese society from Japanese colonial rule to the initial stage of the recovery of Taiwan through the literary works written by Wu Zhuo-Liu. From that we can understand how Taiwanese writers, who grew up and experienced Japanese colonial rule and KMT authority, changed their mentality and writing concepts; and how they kept for the inspiration and believes. Wu’s works are taken as the objective of current research. By analyzing his writings, we understand that the critical thinking of Wu is not only staying in Taiwan on a plane, but beyond the limit between time and space. Therefore, in his writings, the question, such as searching on meaning of self-existence is embodied. In addition to the releasing of the economical persecution, the rule of unfair political social class, and terror of police during the period of Japanese colonial rule to the initial stage of the recovery of Taiwan, it is as well the key of triggering the thinking of economy, education, social status and politics. From Wu’s historical novels, the flowing of national consciousness from China to Taiwan is detected. This change is involved in Wu’s writing, and it forms a conversational relationship with social venation. From the series of Wu’s historical novels, we can also see the contrast between the historical and present Taiwan, and the track back that Wu’s searching for recognition in Taiwan history.


