  • 學位論文

Green Innovation: Antecedents and Its Impacts on Environmental and Firm Performance

Green Innovation: Antecedents and Its Impacts on Environmental and Firm Performance

指導教授 : 陳家祥


科技發展日新月異,全球經濟不斷成長,但資源過度使用導致生態遭遇嚴重的破壞,近年來全球暖化議題興起、環境保護意識抬頭,對產品需求的改變促使組織重新思考其企業策略。許多先進國家對於環保規範要求嚴格,綠色創新成為組織策略管理中重要的一環。此外,Freeman在1984年所出版之「策略管理」一書中提出利害關係人理論,讓許多學者開始在管理理論中加入利害關係人的討論。本研究以綠色創新為主軸,探討企業利害關係人對企業施行綠色創新之影響,進而研究企業施行綠色創新對其環境及公司績效的影響。 本研究對臺灣服務業(飯店、物流、建築營造)及製造業(光電、電子及零組件、汽車及零組件)進行問卷發放,共回收202份有效問卷,透過Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS)及Partial Least Square (PLS)進行分析。其結果顯示外部利害關係人及公司內部支持對施行綠色創新有正向影響,執行綠色創新對其環境及公司績效也有正向影響。


With the global warming, people are considering more about environment. After Freeman’s book published in 1984, the stakeholder concept was prosperous. In this study, we investigate the antecedent role of stakeholders on green innovation. Then we explored whether a firm implements green innovation can influence its environmental and firm performance. In this study, we wanted to examine the differences between service and manufacturing industry. We conducted an empirical research within hotels, logistics, contractors, photoelectric, computer peripherals and automobile manufacturing industries. Due to the small sample size and the response between service and manufacturing industry was no significant different, we combined service and manufacturing data. Overall, this study analyzes the data we received 202 respondents from six industries. We adopted SPSS and Partial Least Square (PLS) to analyze our data. The research findings indicated that external stakeholders’ pressure and employees’ pressure can promote firms to adopt green innovation. Moreover, firms who implement green innovation will generate better environmental and firm performance.


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