  • 學位論文


Value Relevance of Taiwan’s SFAS NO.10

指導教授 : 王瑄


本研究旨在探討財務會計準則公報第10號「存貨之會計處理準則」之實施後,投資人對此準則於財務報表價值攸關性之影響,以期投資人對存貨評價盡一貢獻。本文採用2007-2010年國內上市及上櫃公司為樣本,共計4,614個樣本量,並以Ohlson(1995)模式對10號公報相關會計處理科目進分析。 1.依第10號進行會計處理之科目,其虛擬變數之係數均為正數,表示於10號公報實施後,財報組成科目之價值攸關性對股價而言均有提高。 2.雖然各虛擬變數之係數大於適用10號公報前之係數。但迴歸模式(2)之非常項目前淨利減除存貨跌價回升利益(損失)之虛擬變數雖有增加價值攸關性,並未有顯著之影響,故於此部分本文仍持保留意見,然該應變數(EBEI_AFI_dummy)已不包含10號公報之盈餘,對於本文之假說應不致於造成否定意見。 3.綜合以上兩點,依第10號公報進行會計處理後其係數均為增加,故本文認為研究假說:『依財務會計準則公報第10號實施之「存貨之會計處理準則」將財務報表資訊更具價值攸關性。』已取得驗證。


The primary goal of this research is to discover the effect that how investors would evaluate financial reports after SFAS NO.10, has being put into practice and expect that investors would contribute to inventory evaluation. The 4,614 samples used in this research are national listed and over the counter companies between 2007 and 2010, and Ohlson(1995) procedure is adopted to analyze accounting subjects, which are processed following SFAS NO.10. 1. Accounting subject, which is processed following SFAS NO.10, has positive value of imaginary variables. This supports that the value of financial statement composed of subjects has increased regards to the price of stock market. 2. Although all values of the imaginary variables are greater than the values which are not processed following the 10th principle, the t value, which is the coefficient in imaginary variable of Extraordinary item Income before deduction of the gain recovery of inventory in model(2), does not increase significantly. Therefore, this research holds the assumption off. However the dependent variable (EBEI_AFI_dummy) does not include the balance of SFAS NO.10, this report does not reject the assumption of this research. 3. According to the two conclusions above, coefficients are all increased after being processed following SFAS NO.10. Therefore, this research has proved the assumption that financial report is more valuable after being processed following SFAS NO.10.


SFAS No.10 Value relevance


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