  • 學位論文


Low humidity of fuel cell stack

指導教授 : 翁芳柏


燃料電池為了增加功率可以利用多個單電池堆疊的方法來增加電池個數,在本論文中除了探討電池組裝技術以及防止漏氣方法之外,實驗中還探討對電池性能影響較大的操作參數,本文選用燃料的化學計量數,電池溫度以及燃料入口的加濕溫度,來研究參數對電池的影響化學量計在1.2/4中電池性能達到最佳,這是因為氣體較充足導致電池反應較為完全;因而燃料電池堆目的在於整個系統端,而系統端有很大的機會會在低濕環境下運作,進而探討使用自製低溼膜電極組探討電池堆在低加濕條件下性能趨勢以及改變參數提高電池功率。 本論文使用石墨雙極板應用於質子交換膜燃料電池堆,利用三個單電池所堆疊成的電池堆來進行研究,自製低溼膜電極組中,觸媒塗佈方法採用GDE法,在此方法中熱壓參數影響電池性能甚大,本文中GDE熱壓壓力為5000kgf,所探討熱壓溫度為130℃、120℃、110℃、100℃、90℃,性能達到最佳熱壓溫度為100℃,而探討電池相對濕度參數分別為100%、80%、60%、40%、30%,主要為了達成電池在低濕狀態下性能能夠穩定,所以使用HP-Nafion取代Nafion211及Nafion212。


電池堆 操作參數 熱壓參數


In this study, fuel cell in order to increase the power of multiple single-cell stack to increase the battery number, explore the battery assembly technology, and to prevent leakage method, and the experiment also explored a greater impact on the battery performance operating parameters, in this paper selected the number of stoichiometric fuel, the fuel cell temperature and humidification temperature of the fuel inlet, In order to study the amount of the impact of chemical parameters on the battery meter optimal battery performance in the 1.2/4, because gas reaction than adequate to cause the battery to more completely, the purpose of the fuel cell stack is that the whole system, systems have a great opportunity to operate in a low humidity environment, explore the use of homemade humidity membrane electrode assembly of the cell stack performance under low humidification conditions trends, and changing the parameters to improve the battery power Thermoforming temperature is 130℃,120℃,110℃,100℃, 90℃, Performance to achieve the best thermoforming temperature is 100 ℃.


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