  • 學位論文


Evaluating the Operation Performance of Solar Cell Industry : Empirical Research in Taiwan and China

指導教授 : 王維康


太陽能產業是長期再生能源的重要產業,本研究目的在於分析2007年到2010年期間經歷金融海嘯時,臺灣與大陸之太陽能廠商之經營績效,採以二階段資料包絡分析法將績效分成獲利能力與市場能力效率值,並以麥氏生產力指數分析四年總生產力變化,最後進一步以管理決策矩陣分析,提供相對無效率之矽晶太陽能業者經理人建議方向以改善經營績效。在Two-stage DEA分析結果,在獲利能力階段有約將近43%矽晶太陽能廠商相對無效率,市場能力階段則有74%廠商相對無效率。Malmquist生產力指數分析結果,2007年至2010年的總生產力變動呈現大幅衰退60.3%,主因來自於技術效率衰退55%,規模效率方面也衰退了25.2%。矽晶太陽能產業規模效率有81%的DMUs呈現遞減,顯示投入資源配置過多或管理決上有錯誤所造成。管理決策矩陣顯示矽晶太陽能產業有10家廠商落在獲利能力與市場能力皆具較佳效率值的象限I,是該產業於2007年至2010年的領導廠商,可作為其他未達相對效率廠商的學習對象。


Solar cell industry is an important industry for long-term renewable energy development. In this study we applied Two-Stage data envelopment analysis (Two-Stage DEA) approach to explore the profitability and marketability efficiency of solar cell industry in Taiwan and China suffering the financial tsunami in the period 2007-2010. We also utilizes Malmquist productivity index (MPI) to analyze overall total factor production change from 2007 to 2010 and furthermore propose the managerial decision-making matrix to provide suggestions in order for managers in inefficient solar cell industry to improve their operation performance. The Two-Stage DEA results indicate that approximately 43 percent of the solar cell companies have relative inefficiency in the profitability efficiency process and 74 percent of them are inefficient in the marketability efficiency process. Four years of Malmquist productivity Index annual results show that total factor production change (TFP) sharp declined by 60.3% which results from technical efficiency (TE) declined by 55%, and also scale efficiency (SE) declined 25%. Approximate 81% DMUs of solar cell industry is trend-down on scale efficiency, which means allocation of input sources is too much or some mistake had been made about decision-making. Ten solar cell companies are in zone 1 in the decision-making matrix represent leading position in the period 2007-2010. These ten solar cell companies can be benchmarks and may provide inefficient solar cell companies to learn with.


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