  • 學位論文


Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision-Making Assessment of Mobile Network Service Needs

指導教授 : 龐金宗


現今網際網路(Internet)的迅速發展起, 在虛擬世界中, 已經出現非常多元化的服務, 原為固定點才能使用的網路服務, 已演變成行動網路的出現, 只要有行動通訊訊號源的地方, 搭配行動通訊網路服務, 就可使用連接網際網路(Internet)上資訊查詢、互相對談及遠端工作等。本研究想要了解現今的消費者, 本研究的方向為(一)瞭解消費者對於選擇通訊業者首要需求。(二)瞭解消費者對於行動通訊網路支付成本需求。(三)瞭解消費者對於行動通訊網路功能需求。(四)尋找消費者對於使用行動通訊網路的需求核心。於模糊層級分析法與灰色關聯分析法方式分析, 各項目首要需求。 關鍵字:2G、3G、4G、行動通訊、行動網路、灰關聯、模糊層級分析法、 需求。


2G 3G 4G 行動通訊 行動網路 灰關聯 模糊層級分析法 需求


The rapid development of present Internet, in the virtual world, to have been appear very diversied services, the original in xed point cai can use the network services, collocation mobile network operator service, on can be used to connect Internet on information search 、talk to each other and remote work, etc. This study wants to understand present a consumer, the direction of this study: (I)Understand consumer for the selection communications industry priority needs. (II)Understand consumer of mobile communication network to pay for the cost needs. (III) Understand consumer for mobile communications network functions needs. (IV) Looking for consumers for use mobile communication network the needs core . By fuzzy ahp and gray relational analysis method analysis, the priority needs of each project. Keywords: 2G, 3G, 4G, Mobile communications, Mobile network, Gray relational, Fuzzy ahp, Needs.


2G 3G 4G Mobile communications Mobile network Gray relational Fuzzy ahp Needs


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