  • 學位論文

我國政府捐資基金會之法制研究: 以財團法人國防工業發展基金會為例

Legal Analysis of Government-oriented NGO in taiwan A Case Study of National Defence Industrial Development Fundation

指導教授 : 劉阿榮


我國政府自台灣光復以來,以財團法人方式接收日本於台灣的一些公有組織,演變至今成為為政府執行特定任務的「公設財團法人」,然隨時代變遷,民主意識提昇、法制環境的強化,公設財團法人引起許多人的質疑,尤其在法律、人事、財務陸續出現問題及弊端,遂開始引發各界的撻伐及改制的聲浪。 本文以財團法人國防工業發展基金會為研究之範例,藉其組織章程、法規上的特性,尋找解決大家所質疑部分的解決方案,並規劃未來方向,以提昇公設財團法人的轉型的可行性。


A procedure is Our government has received Japan by corporate body to organize in some owned by public of Taiwan since Taiwan recovered, turning in to be up to now come carrying out"Mr. establishing corporate body" of the particular mission for the government, however at any time generation change, the democracy consciousness promotes, legal system environment of enhance, Mr. establishes corporate body to cause many people to query, appearing problem and irregularity continuously in the law, personnel, finance particularly, hence starting causing a voice of the public invade and change the system. Our government has received Japan by corporate body to organize in some owned by public of Taiwan since Taiwan recovered, turning in to be up to now come carrying out"Mr. establishing corporate body" of the particular mission for the government, however at any time generation change, the democracy consciousness promotes, legal system environment of enhance, Mr. establishes corporate body to cause many people to query, appearing problem and irregularity continuously in the law, personnel, finance particularly, hence starting causing a voice of the public invade and change the system. This text takes the National Defence Industrial Development Fundation industry as the example of research, by its characteristic of organization stand rule, laws, look for to solve part of solutions that everyone query, and program the direction of future, with promote the feasibility of transformation that Mr. establishes corporate body. This text takes the development foundation of the corporate body defence industry as the example of research, by its characteristic of organization stand rule, laws, look for to solve part of solutions that everyone query, and program the direction of future, with promote the feasibility of transformation that Mr. establishes corporate body. This text takes the development foundation of the corporate body defence industry as the example of research, by its characteristic of organization stand rule, laws, look for to solve part of solutions that everyone query, and program the direction of future, with promote the feasibility of transformation that Mr. establishes corporate body. This text takes the development foundation of the corporate body defence industry as the example of research, by its characteristic of organization stand rule, laws, look for to solve part of solutions that everyone query, and program the direction of future, with promote the feasibility of transformation that Mr. establishes corporate body•




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