  • 學位論文


Safety Critical System Certification Tool Platform

指導教授 : 范金鳳


安全關鍵系統意指「性命攸關」之系統,如:核能電廠、軍事國防、航太、醫療…等。安全關鍵系統能否獲得啟用執照皆需透過管制單位嚴格控管,而核發執照與否則仰賴軟體文件審查作業的結果。現行的審查工作多數依賴主觀判斷,且事務性的工作繁多,申請者與審查者對法規缺乏共同的認知,故問題叢生。本研究以IEEE Std. 603應用於核能電廠之軟體專案文件為實例,為IEEE Std. 603建立完整的知識本體之認證架構,同時以XML標記的方式,依照知識本體的架構來重建文件結構,並開發一套可以自動比對、自動判斷的認證工具平台。透過這個平台,審查人員即可快速又有效的檢查文件是否有遺漏的要項或可能造成的危險。本研究亦將審查者及自動審查的結果以加權平均的方式整合,再依證據符合度給予相對應的安全等級。本方法提供透明化、客觀化的審查工具,並提供審查結果的證據呈現,這樣一來即可提昇軟體專案審查的透明性及可預測性,也能確保核發執照的安全關鍵系統之安全性。


Safety Critical Systems, such as nuclear power plants, military, aerospace, and medical systems, are extremely relevant to our life. Such systems need licenses for operation. The licensing process is called certification. Safety critical systems certification heavily depends on regulators’ review process. Currently, both reviewers and applicants have large amounts of clerical works. In addition, reviewers often issue the license with a subjective judgment. There is no consensus between reviewers and applicants. In view of the above problem, we proposed a certification tool platform based on the ontology of IEEE Std. 603, a standard for nuclear generating stations. Our platform provides a markup tool, a review tool, and an evidence presentation tool. The markup tool which marks up the structure of the document with XML tags. The review tool supports query and generate review table. And also, the Evidence tool shows and stores evidence using DMLD, a visible way for evidence presentation. Finally, the tool will automatically compute the conformance of the document to the Standard IEEE 603 and compute a safety level for the system. Our system alleviates the clerical work in certification and provides an effective, transparent and predictable review process.


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