  • 學位論文


A novel multicast restoration scheme with 2-tuple domination core node selection algorithm in DWDM mesh networks

指導教授 : 黃依賢


本文提出了全心二次節點碰觸演算法用於群撥容錯多波長分割網路,2-DS 的定義為每個在群撥群組裡面的節點至少一次碰觸再樹外面,另一次的碰觸為樹裡面,這篇論文主要的目標在於藉由核心節點的選擇提供快速有效而且穩定的容錯能力。每個核心節點。無線通訊資源管理方法可重新分配突發屬性及動態調整各使用者的頻寬分配以增進資源的使用率。而所提出的階層式優先權佇列排程演算法使用階層式之排程架構,並針對各別的資料流型態使用適當的排程演算法。更進一步來說,此方法獨立針對多點傳播之服務品質保證來探討。模擬結果顯示所提出的方法可以得到較低的延遲時間,較好的頻寬使用率和較高的吞吐量。


This paper describes a novel 2-tuple domination core node selection algorithm for the multicast restoration scheme in WDM mesh networks. The 2-tuple dominating set (2-DS) is defined as each node in multicast tree session must be directly connected to at least one core node in multicast tree session and also has to be directly connected to at least one core node out of multicast tree session. The primary aim of this work is to provide the fast and steady local survivability based on the information from the selected core nodes. The core nodes are responsible for searching the routing path and wavelength assignment, and each core node has a routing table, core routing table (CRT), which records the updated information between current core node and destination core nodes. When fault occurs, the upstream node adjacent to the failed link or the failed node needs to find the recovery paths for each affected destination node which includes three paths: (1) the path from upstream node of the failed link or the parent node of the failed node to the dominating core node, Score, (2) the path between the dominating core node, Score, near the fault and core node dominates the affected destination nodes, Dcore, (3) and the path from the dominating core node, Dcore to the affected destination nodes. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms the Dual-tree and MRLR algorithms in terms of total hop counts needed for all recovery paths, blocking probability and restoration time for different network topologies.


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