  • 學位論文


Control the Electroless Nickel Metal Layer Growth of Wafer Level Package

指導教授 : 黃振球


本研究利用改變無電鍍鎳藥液成份及操作參數條件方式,以鎳液對成長速率與厚度做為鎳槽的定性分析,再以前處理與鎳液對短路不良率做為定量分析,排出前處理的影響因子,並定義出濃度、溫度、反應時間、反應速率四個主要影響的因子,導入田口實驗法(DOE),最佳的無電鍍鎳成長條件,避免因鎳過度成長造成短路缺陷。實驗結果發現鎳槽條件為濃度控制在5.7 g/l、溫度控制在84度、時間控制在10分鐘、反應速率在6μm/hr時,可達到有效控制鎳成長因子,改善線路間的短路缺陷。 關鍵詞:藥液成份、操作條件、無電鍍鎳、短路。


This research is changed chemical compositions and deposition conditions parameter of electroless nickel, does take the nickel liquid to the growth speed and thickness as the nickel tank qualitative analysis, again pre-clean and the nickel liquid to short-circuits is defect rate does is the quantitative analysis front, discharges influence factor which processes, and defines the concentration, temperature, response time, speed of response, the best condition of electroless nickel and growing up, avoid causing the short circuit defect by the fact that the nickel grows up excessively.The experiment result finds that the nickel tank concentration condition is 5.7 g/l, temperature is 84 ℃, response time is 10 minutes, the speed of response is 6μm/hr. It can reach the factor of controlling the nickel and growing up effectively; improve the short circuit defect among the circuits. Keyword: chemical compositions, deposition conditions, Electroless nickel, Short circuit


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