  • 學位論文


The Research on the Key Elements of the Success of the Insurance Company’s Human Resources

指導教授 : 李弘暉


壽險從業人員永續經營的不二法門就是組織拓展,個人行銷做的很頂尖的當然也不在少數,但一個人的時間難免受限,而且隨著年齡的增長,活動量也因體力的減退而削弱,從經營的角度來看風險也過於集中,而且經驗也沒有得到傳承,從保險公司的經營角度來看,規模也難擴展,因此組織發展一直是保險業強力運作的區塊。 以現今台灣壽險業的制度來看,營業單位領導者的產生,大多由業務員→區主管→處主管→系統主管,因此在人力資源的管理對每個有意要擴大組織的從業人員來說就顯得格外重要,而增員、訓練、輔導、激勵,又是壽險營業單位人力資源運作成功非常重要的核心要項。 故研究者藉由實際訪談11位績效卓越的營業單位領導人就增員、訓練、輔導、激勵探究其成功經驗,並訪談三位具產、官、學身份的專家,就其角度來談談他們的看法,希望藉由本研究,歸納出一些有價值性可供參考的運作模式。 從研究中發現真正能夠增員成功且定著,單位文化與被增員者人格特質的相容性,是增員成功的關鍵要素,因此在面談時如何測試出受面談者的屬性是否符合單位文化屬性是非常重要的關鍵。而在訓練方面,營業單位對業務員訓練除了公司的制式訓練外,應著重在知識、態度、技巧、習慣面的實務訓練,對區主管的訓練應著重在增員、訓練、輔導、陪同、激勵、管理能力的提昇,並輔以功能性編組的運作累積經營管理的經驗。在輔導方面耐心的傾聽,以身作則塑造主管魅力,使屬員產生信賴感為重要關鍵。在激勵方面,避免太過頻繁使用相同的激勵方式,多運用願景規劃、生涯目標規劃養成長期自我激勵的能力。 關鍵字:增員、訓練、輔導、激勵。


增員 訓練 輔導 激勵


The one and only way to sustainable operation of insurance salesperson is organization expansion. Of course not quite few people are good at marketing, however, one only has limited time and the ability of actions is restrained from growing age. Furthermore, from the viewpoint of operation, if depending on single person too much, it is not only too risky but also lack of experience sharing; from the insurance company’s point of view, it is also difficult to expand the scale. Consequently, organization development is the key point of insurance industry. Take Taiwan’s insurance system for example, the selection of unit leader is from salesperson, division chief, and to managing manager, and thus, the management of human resource is extraordinarily important to the salesperson who has the intention to expand organization. Also, recruitment, training, counsel, and inspiration are the essential core factors which lead to the success of insurance company’s human resources. The author tries to conclude some valuable and practical operational models through interviewed 11 prominent and experienced unit leaders with sharing the successful experiences of recruitment, training, counsel and inspiration. And the author also interviewed 3 experts in the field of industry, politics, and academy with sharing their perspectives. The research found that the key elements to successful recruitment which the recruiters can devote themselves to the job are the culture of the organization and the recruiters’ characteristic of personality. Consequently, how to test whether the recruiter’s personality would fit the culture of the organization is the key point. About the training aspect, besides the normal/ theoretical training, the training for salesperson should focus on pragmatic one, including knowledge, attitude, skill, and habit. For section chief, the emphasis should be on the promotion of the ability of recruitment, training, counsel, escort, inspiration, and management, and also assisting with the experience which accumulating from functional task. About the counsel aspect, listening with patience, leading by personal example which can mold personal charm and building subordinate’s trust are the important points. About the inspiration aspect, avoiding using similar method of inspiration too often and making use of vision plan and career objective to cultivate the ability of self-inspiration. Keywords: recruitment, training, counsel, inspiration


recruitment training counsel inspiration


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