  • 學位論文


The Auxiliary Motorcycle Lift Stand and Actuator of Heavy Motorcycle

指導教授 : 李碩仁


機車在人口密集的台灣是項重要的交通工具,在政府開放重型機車進口,重型機車的數量更是呈現大幅度成長。有鑑於此,針對重型機車車重作研究與探討,研發輔助起重裝置,改善危險的停車方式。 重型機車的重量與排氣量成正比,車身重量加上個人裝備皆在200公斤以上,東方人體型嬌小,僅以側邊腳架停車,無法以正停車架停放,容易造成前避震系統負載不均而損壞。再則,停放過程容易重心不穩傾倒,造成人體及車體的傷害。 在研究中,計算所需油壓缸規格,模擬機車在起重過程的運動型態,檢視安裝高度及位置合適性,作為後續實驗參考典範。利用液壓原理,有效的支撐車體,搭配水銀開關作為感測裝置,在不同的傾斜角度,而能將機車垂直停放於地面。新的機車輔助起重裝置能改善避震器故障、重心不穩及省力停放等問題,有效改善車重的困擾,提供駕駛者停車的便利,且保障駕駛者之安全。


重型機車 起重


The motorcycle is an important means of transportation in densely populated in Taiwan. The government opens importing of heavy-duty motorcycles, which result in significant growth rate in the number of quantity. Due to the weight of heavy-duty motorcycle, research and develop of the auxiliary jack-up device may improve the safety of parking. The weight of the heavy-duty motorcycle is in direct proportion to the volume of exhaust gas. The motorcycle body weight, driver and personal equipment all together weight more than 200 kilograms. Because the sizes of Orientals are relatively small, parking on one side of the motorcycle many damage the shock absorbing system. Unsafe parking practice may also lifting mechanism. In this thesis, calculation of the oil pressure valve specification, simulation of motorcycle, and human factor engineering of the auxiliary equipment are taken into consideration during development of the prototype system. The results show the auxiliary equipment performs beautifully meeting the design specifications. It can park the motorcycle on uneven pathway with ease.


motorcycle lift


【6】U.S. Patent Number: 4,541,650, 1985. "Motor Ride-Off Stand. "
【2】Munson B. R., Young D. F.,Okiishi T. H., Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, John Wiley & Sons, New York – Chichester – Brisbane –Toronto – Singapore, 1994.
【3】McCLOY D., Matrin H. R., Control of Fluid Power Analysis and Design,
