  • 學位論文


Design and Control of a Multi-fingered Robot Hand

指導教授 : 陳傳生


本篇論文主要的目的為設計一具多手指機械手掌,並開發多手指機械手掌控制系統。 手掌擁有包括拇指在內的4支手指,每隻手指有3個關節,由兩個驅動馬達所驅動,拇指和手腕連接的掌腕關節為左右擺動的運動,其餘的拇指關節為彎曲的運動;其餘三支手指則是所有關節都為彎曲的自由度。手掌採用混合驅動的方式,結合齒輪、腱帶(tendon)及連桿的特點,使得手掌有著重量輕、體型擬人的特性。我們於手指表面將上曲線的設計,並改變手指的角度,增加手掌抓取物品的能力,讓手掌能以最精簡的體型發揮最大的效率。 控制板透過RS232接收電腦端的控制命令,輸出數位脈波訊號對伺服馬達進行位置控制,並運用疊加的方式達到速度控制的功能。控制板外接了2組512 kb的EEPROM擴充記憶體容量,可將手掌的動作姿勢儲存於控制板之中,簡化往後執行動作時的命令。我們將控制板體型儘量縮小,讓控制板可以放置於手掌中,使得手掌的整合更加的完整。我們另外製作一具伺服馬達趨動的機械手掌原型,利用這具手掌做手掌控制實驗,用以規劃手掌控制系統的架構。 依據本文的設計,利用RP快速成型製作出一具多手指機械手掌,適合應用於機械人上,並讓手掌控制板達到預期的效果。


A new four-fingered robot hand with eight degrees of freedom is designed in this thesis. We also develop a control system of multi-fingered robot hand. The robot hand has a thumb and three fingers. Every finger, which has three joints, is actuated by two motors. The thumb has a abduction and adduction motion on the base joint. And the other joints of robot hand are curling and extension motion. The driven mechanisms used in a robot hand include gear, cable and link. We adopt gear-driven, tendon-driven, and link-driven in our mechanism design of the robot hand. The robot hand with this design is similar to a human hand in size. And it is dexterous enough to be used in daily life. We also develop a control circuit board and a control system for the robot hand. The control circuit board receives the control command from computer by using RS232. It can save pre-defined pose of the robot hand in its flash memory. The robot hand can repeat these poses without user intervention. We reduce the size of control circuit board. The circuit board could be placed on the robot hand. We used a sample robot hand to test the control program and design the control system. Following the mechanism designs in this thesis, we fabricate a four-fingered hand by rapid prototyping technique in order to fabricate some delicate part in a short time.


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