  • 學位論文


An Evidence-based Research of Integrated CKD Care Program Impacts on the medical effectiveness of Incident ESRD Patients on Hemodialysis

指導教授 : 黃尚志
共同指導教授 : 張永源


研究背景:台灣地區為有效減少慢性腎臟病進行到末期腎臟疾病的發生率、盛行率及其造成醫療費用的沈重負擔,自92年開始推行「慢性腎臟病(Chronic kidney disease, CKD)整體照護計劃」,推展以來醫療成效值得評估。 研究目的:本研究主要目的,探討接受與未接受「CKD整體照護」介入患者:1. 在人口學特徵、原發疾病、其他系統疾病(合併症)的分佈及差異;2. 在新進入血液透析治療時的臨床結果、品質結果、醫療耗用的情形及差異;3. 試找出影響透析前六個月到開始透析時的醫療費用之風險因子與預測模式。 研究方法:以高雄市三家醫院中,新進入血液透析的患者為對象,接受照護介入患者為類實驗組,未接受照護介入患者為對照組。自病歷記錄、「透析病人資料檔」及向健保局申報的「門診處方及治療資料明細檔」、「住院醫療費用檔」與「醫令檔」,擷取首次透析日及向前六個月內的相關費用及各研究變項資料。本研究以獨立t檢定、卡方檢定、單因子變異數分析、無母數分析、簡單及複迴歸分析,進行描述性與推論性統計分析。 研究結果:比較本研究中,有介入組vs.無介入組之間,新進入血液透析時: 1. 人口學特性、原發疾病、合併症種類分佈,皆未達統計學上顯著差異。 2. 臨床結果:血比容24.19 vs 22.78 % p=0.018與白蛋白3.28 vs 3.11 mg/dlp=0.032,達統計學上的顯著差異,其餘項目未達顯著差異。 3. 品質分級結果:接受介入組的第一級者44人(59.46%),對應無介入組的第二級—第四級共99人(84.9%),p<0.001,達統計學上顯著差異。 4. 醫療耗用方面:(1)透析前六個月:每人每月平均門急診費用5546.52 vs 1759.02元,p=0.001,及每人透析前六個月總費用46288 vs 26949元,p=0.012; (2) 透析前六個月的每人每月平均門診次數:1.58 vs. 0.83次,p<0.001; (3) 首次透析時總費用(扣除透析費用)31016.08 vs. 88116.55元,p<0.001; (4) 首次透析時的住院日數:6.58 vs. 16.15日,p<0.001; (5) 由透析前六個月到進入透析時的總醫療費用(扣除透析費):77304 vs. 115035元,p=0.006。 5.醫療費用的影響因子與預測模式:在簡單迴歸分析下,探討個別具有顯著影響力(p<0.05)的因子共21項,排除具有共線性的血清肌酸酐或腎絲球過濾率(GFR)後;再以逐步淘汰的複迴歸分析,探討各項醫療費用的預測模式-例如:透析前六個月至首次透析時總醫療費用(扣除透析費用)模式(Adj. R2=50.4%)預測能力達50%以上,其中性別、醫院級別、白蛋白、醫療服務利用-首次透析時住院日數、透析前六個月住院日數等影響因子( p<0.05),具統計上顯著意義。 結論與建議:本研究顯示,接受CKD整體照護計劃介入的患者進入透析治療時: 1. 臨床結果較好,平均血比容與白蛋白數值較高,表示營養、生理功能較佳。 2. 品質結果分級較好,顯示「CKD階段性整體照護計劃」可提升醫療品質。 3. 透析前準備較充足,雖然在透析前總醫療花費較高,但經門診開始透析,使首次透析時費用大幅降低,進而使透析前六個月到進入透析時的總醫療費用得以減少。 4. 本研究種種實證:說明「慢性腎臟病CKD整體照護計劃」在提升品質與 節省費用上已初具成效。顯示完整的疾病管理的觀念與整合性的照護計 劃,對於提升慢性腎臟疾病的照護品質與有效控制相關醫療費用的成長 是可以達成的。顯見,「慢性腎臟病CKD整體照護計劃」非常值得吾輩 繼續努力推行。


An Evidence-based Research of Integrated CKD Care Program Impacts on the medical effectiveness of Incident ESRD Patients on Hemodialysis Background and objectives: End-stage renal disease (ESRD) is epidemic worldwide. The medical expenditure of ESRD was increasing rapidly in last decade in Taiwan , due to the high annual incidence of ESRD rising from 257 pmp (per million population) in 1996 to 352 pmp in 2004. The integrated chronic kidney disease (CKD) care program was implemented since 2003 in Taiwan. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of 「Integrated CKD Care Program」. Methods and materials: The study subjects were divided as: (1) intervention group: 74 patients with intervention; (2) control groups: 117 patients without intervention after CKD care program and 194 incident ESRD patients before CKD care program implementation. We collected and compared the data and outcomes between intervention and control groups about demographic characteristics, underlying disease, and cormobidity. The outcome variables included clinical, quality outcome, medical expenditure and service utilization. The different predictive models of medical expenditure during pre-hemodialysis 6 months to initial HD were established. The statistical analysis were performed by independent- t test, Chi-square test, one-way ANOVA test, simple regression and multiple regression analysis. Results: The results of the intervention group vs. control group were as follows: hematocrit 24.19 vs. 22.78 %, p=0.018; albumin 3.28 vs. 3.11 g/dl, p=0.032; quality outcome grade 1:59.46 vs. 15.38 %; grade 2~ 4:48.54 vs. 84.62 %, p <0.001; medical service utilization: freguency of outpatient visit on 6 months before hemodialysis (HD) average 1.58 vs.0.83 times per patient-month, p<0.001; length of stay on initial HD through hospitalization: average 6.58 vs. 16.15 days, p<0.001 per patient; total dosage of rHuEPO on 6 months before HD: 4790.54 vs. 2361.82U per patient-month, p=0.003; medical expenditure: outpatient cost on 6 months before HD: average 5546.52 vs. 1759.02 NT dollars per patient- month, p=0.001; inpatient cost on initial HD : 40924.89 vs. 114622.10 NT dollars, p<0.001; overall expense ( dialysis cost excluded) during 6 months before HD to initial HD:77304.69 vs 115035.70 NT dollars per patient, p=0.006. By stepwise multiple regression analysis, the significant risk factors of predictive model of overall medical expenditure were as follows: length of stay on initial HD via hospitalization, days of hospitalization before HD, hospital level, gender and albumin (p<0.05). Conclusion: Our results revealed the evidences that the integrated CKD care program significantly reduces medical expenditure, ultilization and improves quality of care on incident ESRD patients on hemodilysis.


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