  • 學位論文


The oral health and body development between the vegetarian and non-vegetarian preschool children in Kaohsiung city

指導教授 : 陳弘森


研究目的: 近年來素食人口日漸增多,蔚為風盛。但對於其族群相關口腔研究調查卻寥寥無幾。本研究目的,在於針對學齡前學童,其飲食為全素食習慣者。對於其乳牙齒列口腔狀況進行研究分析,並討探其乳牙齲齒情形,及影響其口腔狀況之可能因素。 材料與方法: 研究對象選擇高雄市政府立案幼稚園的學齡前素食孩童,以三到六歲兒童為主要研究對象,並有一對照組為學齡前非素食學童。研究方法包括進行口腔檢查以及身高、體重之統計並搭配飲食問卷調查。(飲食頻率問卷交由父母親填寫)。完成所有檢查且問卷填寫完整者共 130人,並將所得資料整理進行統計分析,討探影響口腔健康與生長發育之相關因素。 結果: 在分析學齡前素食與非素食孩童之間,其平均乳牙齲齒顆數與乳牙齲齒指數有達統計上顯著性差異;其身高、體重、BMI則無達到統計上顯著性差異。另外,素食與非素食孩童其平均乳牙齲齒顆數大都會隨著父母親教育程度提高而下降。以及,素食習慣的有無會對蛋糕甜食攝取頻率產生影響。在3~6歲的學齡前孩童中,其口腔健康狀況與生長發育的相關性,未達顯著相關程度。 結論: 高雄市3~6歲學齡前素食與非素食孩童其口腔健康狀況在平均乳牙齲齒顆數與乳牙齲齒指數方面達顯著差異,但在生長發育方面其平均身高、體重、BMI都未達顯著差異。雖然乳牙齲齒指數在學齡前素食孩童較低,但推論這與其飲食習慣有關。特別是其對於糖類食物飲料的攝取上有顯著相關。


學齡前孩童 素食 口腔狀況


Conclusion: In recent years , the population of vegetarian is get more and more. However, the research of their oral condition is fewer. Our research objection focus on the preschool children who is vegetarian. And we not only invest their primary dentition condition including decay , missing , filling and dmft index ,but also their body growth development. Besides, we analyze these factors which might cause influence on their oral condition. Material and Methods : Our study focused on vegetarian preschool children aged from three to six years of the kindergarten in Kaohsiung city. Besides, we also set a contrast group who are also preschool children without vegetarian habit. We examined those children’s oral condition, and recorded their height and weight, and combine using a questionnaire of food intake to analyze the relationship. Result : One hundred and thirty children participated in our study, including 62 vegetarians (47.69%) and 68 non-vegetarians (52.31%). There was significant difference between vegetarians and non-vegetarians with regard to mean primary decay and dmft index, but no significant difference between them about their height, weight and BMI. We also found that the both vegetarian and non-vegetarian children whose parents with higher education level had fewer caries. Besides, the those vegetarian children had sweet food like cake fewer than those non-vegetarian children. Among our study objections, their dmft index did not correlate with their height, weight and BMI significantly. Conclusion: These 3-6 year preschool vegetarian and non-vegetarian children in Kaohsiung have significant difference in mean number of primary tooth caries and the dmft index , but no difference in the mean height and weight and BMI. Although, the vegetarian children had fewer dmft index and primary caries than the non-vegetarian children. However, this situation might be correlated with their diet habits, especially in intake frequency in sugar food.


preschool children vegetarian oral condition


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