  • 學位論文

微小RNA let-7g合併內皮原始細胞在糖尿病傷口的應用

Application of combining microRNA let-7g with endothelial progenitor cell on diabetic wound healing

指導教授 : 謝翠娟
共同指導教授 : 吳明蒼(Ming-Tsang Wu)






Modern medicine was progressively spawned a lot of new methods for diagnosis and therapy, with the advancement of science. Most famous topic now is mainly on the molecular basis and stem cell therapy. For example, in the past, diabetic ulceration is one of the troublesome complications on manage these diabetic patients, and only extreme control of infection, supplement of sufficient nutrition, or even skin graft operation could save these patients. However, new aspects of diabetic wound therapy focused on different biological materials, endothelial progenitor or stem cells, and even microRNA had been studied and tried. We combined these new concepts, with EPC and one microRNA, let-7g, being transfected into the EPCs, and used their cultured condition media to test the therapeutic effects on diabetic ulceration healing of mice. We found good wound healing effects of these reagents, and this may provide a new method to manage those diabetic patient with refractory ulcerations. Besides it is also a safe methods with less allergic reaction because of its autologous.




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