  • 學位論文


Exploring the influence of multiple relationships of aboriginal social workers on professional relationships

指導教授 : 劉千嘉


本研究欲想探究原住民社會工作者在生長的部落服務將面臨到其與個案間的多重關係,而這些關係是否會影響助人專業關係的發展。透過深度訪談以及焦點團體的方式,將訪談內容謄為逐字稿,從中分析、歸納原住民社會工作者在進行服務時,面對多重關係會如何應對,多重關係會對專業關係造成甚麼樣的影響,正向的幫助以及負向的阻礙,而原住民社會工作者會採取甚麼樣的因應行動,並嘗試了解排灣族文化觀點與原住民社會工作彼此之間的衝突及融合,同時希冀現行的社會工作能夠融入部落觀點,進而發展適用於原住民社會工作的工作模式。最後,本研究提出以下幾個結論: 一、 原住民社會工作專業關係的影響:族人相當依賴原住民社工者,習慣性地將問題交給社工處理,此外社工者與族人無距離的相處,經常使社工在下班之餘還是要面對族人的詢問,無法達到真正的休息,且部落訊息流通快速,使社工維護個案隱私增加困難度;而社工對於部落與族人有著特殊情感,這會影響社工處遇訂定時在專業與情感中拉扯,面對族人落寞、失望的結果,社工也會因此感到自責。而社工與族人熟識的關係有助於彼此關係建立,並提升族人接受服務的因素之一,社工者在地的家人們會成為社工資源網絡一員,能有效的協助社工關注個案的動向,並且能夠透過外展方式了解族人的目前所需以及問題。 二、 原住民社會工作者運用多元方式維持專業關係及服務:原住民社會工作者首先確立自己工作原則及規範,清楚自己工作角色的定位,並向族人主動澄清、解釋說明社會工作者的工作任務及角色限制。面對不可避免的多重關係可能會帶來利益風險的情況下,迴避機制可以提供協助。 三、 文化與社會工作的火花:部落的分享文化與社工倫理中不收受個案之贈物相違背;面對須調解的事件部落族人認為應採用部落方法,而非社會工作方法、流程,社會工作者會因此而受到族人指責;階級制度雖能有效管理部落,但對於社工者來說服務比自己更高階級的個案會有服務壓力;長嗣制度能夠在會議當中以公平正義的角色適當的分配個案的資源使用,社會工作者還是必須謹慎的評估vusam的能力,是否能夠提供案主照顧需求。 四、原住民社會工作者反思與建議:學校教育應針對信仰、多重關係的議題多加討論,並重視於原鄉社會福利機構的實習體制;社會工作者應根據缺乏的能力、知識試圖由外力補充或由自身改善,而具有的能力則是要持續維持並延伸其可能性。


The purpose of this study is to explore whether the growing tribal services of aboriginal social workers will face multiple relationships with individual cases and whether these relationships will affect the development of professional relationships in helping others. Through in-depth interviews and focus group, interview transcripts for the words, from the analysis, inductive indigenous social workers in the service, in the face of multiple relationship will be how to deal with, multiple relations can cause what kind of impact to professional relationship, positive help as well as negative, and indigenous social workers will take what kind of action, and try to understand the culture of paiwan tribe viewpoints and indigenous social work conflict and fusion of each other, at the same time hope that the current social work to integrate into tribal views, and native development is suitable for the working mode of social work. Finally, this study puts forward the following conclusions: 1.The influence of native social work professional relationship: the native people quite rely on social work, habitually the problem to the social work treatment, in addition to social work and people get along without distance, often makes social workers in work or in the face of people ask, can not meet the real rest, and tribal information circulation quickly, increase social worker individual privacy maintenance difficulty; Social workers, on the other hand, have special feelings for the tribe and its people, which can affect social workers' professional and emotional tension, and make them feel guilty for the loneliness and disappointment of their people. The relationship between social workers and their clansmen is conducive to the establishment of mutual relationship and the promotion of one of the factors for the clansmen to receive services. The families of social workers in the field will become part of the social worker resource network, which can effectively help social workers to keep track of the trend of cases and understand the current needs and problems of clansmen through outreach. 2.Aboriginal social workers maintain professional relationships and services in a diversified way: aboriginal social workers first establish their own working principles and norms, clearly define their working roles, and take the initiative to clarify and explain their tasks and role limitations to their clansmen. The avoidance mechanism can be helpful in the face of inevitable multiple relationships that may pose a risk to interests. 3.The spark of culture and social work: the sharing culture of the tribe is contrary to the social work ethics of not accepting gifts from individual cases; In the face of events that need to be mediated, tribal people believe that tribal methods should be used instead of social work methods and procedures. Although the class system can effectively manage the tribe, there will be service pressure for social workers to serve individuals of a higher class than themselves. While the sire system can properly allocate resources for individual cases in a fair and just role during meetings, social workers must carefully assess whether the vusam's capacity to provide the case owner's care needs. 4.Reflections and Suggestions of aboriginal social workers: school education should focus more on issues of faith and multiple relationships, and attach importance to the internship system of indigenous social welfare institutions; Social workers should try to supplement or improve themselves based on the abilities and knowledge they lack, while the abilities they have are to sustain and extend their possibilities.


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