  • 學位論文

舌靜止位置的相關研究: 臨床上診斷全口無牙病患的輔助之一

Classification of tongue position as a diagnostic aid for Complete Denture construction

指導教授 : 周肇茂


背景:臨床上對於全口無牙病患的治療,最常見的仍是裝戴 全口義齒。一副成功的假牙必須同時存在固位 (retention)、 穩定 (stability) 及支持 (support) 三個重要的因素。而舌靜止位置對於義齒的穩定性來說,佔了非常重要的因素。 研究目的:探討 1.義齒配戴情形與舌靜止位置之關係。 2. 全口無牙狀態與舌靜止位置之關係。 3. 影響舌靜止位置之相關因素。 研究方法:本研究316位全口無牙病患,分為第一與第二實驗組。108位自然牙受測者為對照組。全口無牙患者是南部社區老人健檢的病患。自然牙者為南部某醫學大學牙醫系學生。蒐集這些病患的 基本資料及口腔檢查的資料。資料分析使用統計套裝軟體JMP 7.0版。 結果:無論是採用Wright舌位置分類法或Kotsiomiti & Kapari 舌靜止位置分類法,全口無牙組比自然牙組有較高的退縮舌比例 或不正常舌位置比例。後縮舌的成因與舌後方的空間大小有顯著 相關。無牙的患者其後縮舌的程度在經義齒治療後可獲得明顯改善。其改善的程度以殘嵴吸收類型Class III最大、其次為Class II、Class I。 結論與建議:舌的後縮情形常隨著下顎舌活動空間的增加而 加劇,在臨床上治療時,對舌後縮嚴重的患者,建議教導病患作 舌練習,將有助於成功的義齒裝置。


全口無牙 舌位置 退縮舌


The tongue is an important attribute in denture success or failure. The purpose of this project was to study the relationship between completely edentulous patient and tongue position. It also studied the relationship between edentulous state and tongue position. 408 samples was included in the study. 108 patients with natural dentition was the control group and 316 patients with full edentulous ridges was the experimental group. The baseline data and oral function evaluation of both groups was collected. Furthermore, the tongue position was determined by Wright classification and Kotsiomiti & Kapari method related to edentulous state. And the retracted distance measured by a modified periodontal probe. The relationship between tongue position and variables was evaluated by statistic method. Completely edentulous patient expressed higher rate of retracted tongue or abnormal tongue position than the natural dentition (P<0.05). The tongue position at rest was found weakly related to habit of oral breathing, snore at night (P>0.05) and to the sex and jaw relation in dentate group. However, the morphology of lower residual ridge significantly related to the tendency of the retracted tongue or abnormal tongue position (P<0.0001). These results suggest the tongue position of completely edentulous patient is strongly related with the available spaces for tongue’s activity and need to be evaluated carefully when making complete dentures.


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