  • 學位論文


Effects of the Peer-Led Self-Management (PLSM) Program on Self-Efficacy, Self-Management and Physiological Measures among Older Adults with Diabetes: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial

指導教授 : 林秋菊


背景:現行糖尿病同儕自我管理方案大多以社區工作人員或一般65歲以下糖尿病為主導的介入模式,然因其難以感同老年患者在疾病照護的需要與障礙,致使老年人的自我管理成效有限。若能透過有相同文化背景與疾病照護生活經驗,且具成功自我管理經驗的同儕領導者,引導老年糖尿病患者學習自我管理技能,可能更事半功倍。 目的:發展老年糖尿病患者同儕領導自我管理方案,並測試其在自我效能、自我管理及生理指標之效應。 方法:採雙組前後測、區段隨機控制試驗設計,招募65歲以上社區老年糖尿病患者進入研究。實驗組個案(n=14)接受為期4週的同儕領導自我管理方案;對照組個案(n=14)僅發放自我管理手冊及接受原有的門診常規照護,並分別於方案介入前(T0)、介入方案結束當天(T1)及介入結束後滿12週(T2)測量其自我效能、自我管理與生理指標之成效,採用Chi-square Test、Fisher’s exact test、Mann-Whitney U test、Friedman test、Wilcoxon signed rank test、Generalized estimating equation等統計方法,進行結果分析。 結果:同儕領導自我管理方案介入後,兩組組間比較顯示,實驗組在後測1(T1)與後測2(T2)於自我效能及自我管理改變量,均顯著高於對照組(p <.001),實驗組在後測2的糖化血色素(HbA1c)、體重及身體質量指數,亦顯著優於對照組(p = .004; p < .001; p < .001 )。 結論與實務應用:老年糖尿病患者同儕領導自我管理方案之研究結果已顯示初步成效,未來若能進一步透過縱貫性研究印證其長期效益,其實證研究結果將有助於社區中推廣,並培養更多的同儕領導者成為病友專家,引導老年糖尿病患者學習自我管理,不僅能受惠於更多的老年糖尿病族群,也可適度減緩健康照護人員的工作負荷。


老年 糖尿病 自我管理 同儕領導


Background: Diabetes PLSM (Peer Led Self Management) programs are typically led by community workers or peer patients under 65 years old. Older peer patients with a history of successful self-management, may improve the effectiveness of PLSM program for other older adults with diabetes. Aim: This pilot study aims to develop and explore the effectiveness of PLSM program on self-efficacy, self-management, and physiological measures in older adults with diabetes. Method: We recruited older adults with diabetes age > 65 in a double-blind, two group (pretest-posttest design) block randomized controlled trial. The experimental group (n=14) enrolled in a 4-week PLSM program; the control group (n=14) received instruction manuals on self-management and continued their usual clinical care. Indicators of effectiveness (self-efficacy, self-management, and physiological measures) were measured at three time points: before the intervention of the program (T0), the day it ended (T1), and 12 weeks after (T2). Chi-square test, Fisher's exact test, Mann-Whitney U test, Friedman test, Wilcoxon signed-rank test, Generalized estimating equation and other statistical methods were used to analyze the results. Results: After PLSM program, self-efficacy, self-management measures of the experimental group at post-test 1 (T1) and post-test 2 (T2) were significantly higher (p < .001). HbA1c, body weight and body mass index at post-test 2 (T2) also presented significantly better results than in the control group (p < .001; p < .001; p < .001). Conclusion and Implications for practice: If future longitudinal research can further substantiate the program’s long-term benefits, the promotion and training of older peer patients to lead PLSM program can alleviate the workload of healthcare professionals.


older adults diabetes self-management peer-led


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