  • 學位論文


A Study of Customer Decision-Making Model for Purchasing Medical Appliances-Based on one brand chain stores in Kao-Ping Areas

指導教授 : 毛莉雯 吳文雄


研究目的:醫療用品通常為病患與照顧者之所用,因此醫療用品本身及其使用往往也牽涉專業之知識與病患個別需要,因此在面對此醫療用品與一般產品並不相同之特性,消費者在選擇醫療用品產品時是否有其特殊之考量及需求?實值得有系統地進一步加以探討。故研究目的主要在探討顧客選購醫療用品之消費決策模式、比較不同層級醫院內之顧客消費行為與決策模式是否有所差異、評估顧客對醫療用品高屏地區銷售門市整體的滿意度。 研究方法:本研究採用EKB model 做為本研究架構之基礎完成一結構式問卷,其內容包含顧客選購醫療用品時考慮使用者的個別特質、購買記錄、行銷組合(4P)與顧客滿意度評估。故研究設計為橫斷性實地調查研究,透過某一連鎖醫療用品門市之第一線人員進行顧客訪談,民國92年1-2月總計完成共得有效樣本1,026份,經由生物統計軟體SPSS進行信度與效度、因素分析、描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、獨立樣本t檢定、相關分析、次數分析卡方分配。 研究結果:選購醫療用品的顧客年齡層在25-35歲為已婚女性,以專科教育程度最多,個人平均月所得月收入為20001-30000元最多,整個家庭的平均年收入大多為40-60萬。大部分的長期照護的顧客以醫院住院病患為主,每次購買的平均金額以618元為主。通常以間隔每個月至少一次和每三個月至少一次購買醫療用品佔最多。 購買醫療用品的顧客在消費決策時考慮的五大因素依序為因素一「門市滿意度因素」、因素二「產品因素」、因素三「促銷因素」、因素四「通路因素」、因素五「品牌因素」,其中因素一顧客滿意度解釋32.76%的變異量,訊息管道來源分別是現今購買的醫療用品門市、醫護人員、其他家醫院附設本系列醫療用品門市。選擇購買醫療用品的原因以該門市所屬醫院住院顧客最多,最主要購買醫療用品的主要需求理由以疾病的特殊需求為主,購買者有87.3%為主要決策者。 顧客選購醫療用品的產品需求上就醫學中心與區域醫院之顧客都是因疾病需要而來、地區醫院是因保健需求而來,顧客對於銷售醫療用品門市整體滿意度認為最重要的是服務人員的穿著整潔端莊、門市整體服務品質、服務人員的敏捷應對。 結論與建議:由本研究結果得知顧客之顧客選購醫療用品之消費行為在不同性別、年齡、教育程度、工作性質間有顯著性差異,選購醫療用品之消費決策模式在不同性別間有顯著性差異,在不同層級醫院醫院內之顧客消費行為與決策模式在產品品項、需求理由間有顯著性差異;在其不同層級醫院、不同門市間顧客對整體滿意度也有顯著性不同。 對於未來的促銷建議應以加強傷口處理衛材、特殊營養補給、保健食品產品為主要的銷售項目及改善產品品質,未來門市新品銷售方向應以醫護人員為第一優先之銷售對象,售後服務、產品品質、保固條件及維修品質三個因子對於與顧客關係間的發展是很重要的。業者應落實門市人員的教育訓練,建立門市人員具有服務業的人格特質以達到高品質的服務環境,強化醫療用品連鎖門市的經營體質讓顧客感覺到高品質的服務與滿意度。


Purposes: Medical appliances are usually used by patients and their care givers. Therefore, the use and choice of medical instruments is not only related to professional considerations, but also determined by each individual need. As compared with other products, the special characteristics of medical instruments interest us to examine influential factors associated with customer decision making process of purchasing. Specially, the major purpose of this study was to understand the consumer decision-making model, to compare the differences in customer purchasing behaviors between different levels of hospitals, and to evaluate the overall customer satisfaction across all chain stores in Kao-Ping areas. Methods: The EKB model was used as the theoretical basis for the design of a structured questionnaire, which includes the information on customer characteristics, purchasing records, considerations of 4P, and customer satisfaction. The study design was a face-to-face interview conducted by the sale member in each chain store of medical instruments. During the study period from January to February 2003, there were 1026 customers successfully interviewed. By using the biometrics software SPSS, descriptive analysis, T test, Chi-square test, analysis of variance, and factor analysis were performed. Results: The major of consumers were aged 25-35, married women. Most of them finished college; the average monthly income was NT$ 20001-30000; the annual income of the whole family was NT$ 400,000- 600,000. Most of the long-term customers were hospital inpatients. On average, they spent NT$ 618 dollars for each purchasing. Usually, they bought their needed medical instruments or materials once a month or once every three month. The determents of customer decision making were classified into five factors: customer satisfaction (Factor 1), products (Factor 2), sales skills (Factor 3), convenience (Factor 4), and brand (Factor 5). Customer satisfaction explained 32.76% of variances. The major information channeling referred to store members and hospital medical professionals. The main reason of purchasing necessary medical appliances was of the specific need of chronic disease. There were 87.3% of buyers themselves confirmed to be major decision makers. Most of the customers in medical centers and regional hospitals purchased medical appliances for medical need, while the customers in district hospitals used medical appliances to keep healthy. Moreover, the appearance in appropriate dress, quality of service, and immediate response were the major keys to consumer satisfaction. Conclusions and Suggestions: According to the study results, the purchasing behaviors of consumers varied by their age, gender, education level, and occupation. Significant differences in decision making models were also found in men and women. Among different levels of hospitals, the major purchasing items and need factors were varied. Significant differences in customer satisfaction were in different levels of hospitals and across chain stores. For future promotion, wound treatment material, special nutrition supply, and healthy supplements are major items of sales. The hospital medical professions should be the first support of promotion. Sales related services, quality of product, and repairing services are important to the development of customer relationship. More training of sales members, sales skills and to improve store environment and management are also helpful for consumer satisfaction.


1、盧瑞芬、謝啟瑞,《醫療經濟學》,台北:學富文化事業有限公司, 民89,頁91。


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