  • 學位論文


The Quality of Emergency Care Findings from the Database of Hospital Accreditation

指導教授 : 邱亨嘉


背景與目的: 自民國八十年度急診部門列為單獨一個醫院評鑑項目以來,至今已經超過十年,評鑑資料記載了我國歷年來急診醫療品質的變化情況,卻少有人利用其豐富的資訊進行急診醫療品質的分析探討。有鑑於此,本研究將自行建立急診評鑑資料庫,並且針對醫院急診部門主管進行問卷調查,運用縱貫、橫斷性的方法,探討急診歷年來醫療品質的變化。 方法與材料: 本研究利用醫院評鑑資料庫和問卷,分別以醫院層級與醫院權屬兩個角度來探討急診醫療品質的變化與一致性及分散性情況。樣本醫院為80至89年度地區教學層級以上醫院,資料來源為醫院評鑑資料表與評量表;資料表主要探討急診能量之醫療品質,評量表主要探討結構、過程與結果之醫療品質。分析方法方面,利用獨立T檢定與配對T檢定分析急診醫療品質在不同年度間之變化,利用單因子多變量分析單一年度不同權屬別醫院間品質差異,利用變異係數觀察品質變化之一致性與分散性,最後以描述性統計和卡方檢定確定急診主管對急診醫療品質變化之看法。本研究將資料庫分析結果與急診主管之看法相互比較,並提出建議。 分析結果: 一、醫療品質變化情形 1. 不同年度間區域層級以上醫院之急診醫療品質有非常明顯的改善。 2. 不同年度間地區教學醫院之急診醫療品質有改善。 3. 急診醫療品質在區域級以上公立醫院有非常明顯的改善,在地區教學公立醫院卻呈現微幅的退步。 4. 急診醫療品質在私立醫院(包含區域級以上私立醫院與地區教學私立醫院)有明顯的改善。 5. 急診醫療品質在區域級以上財團法人醫院有明顯的改善;地區教學財團法人醫院呈現退步的情況。 二、急診醫療品質一致性與分散性情形 1. 區域級以上醫院急診醫療品質的變化呈現一致性的情況。 2. 地區教學醫院急診醫療品質的變化呈現分散性的情況。 3. 區域級以上公立醫院急診醫療品質的變化呈現一致性的情況,地區教學公立醫院呈現分散性的變化。 4. 私立醫院(包含區域級以上私立醫院與地區教學私立醫院)急診醫療品質的變化呈現一致性的情況。 5. 區域級以上財團法人急診醫療品質的變化呈現一致性的情況;地區教學財團法人醫院急診醫療品質呈現分散性的情況。 三、急診主任對醫療品質變化之看法 1. 各層級醫院急診主管認為醫院評鑑確實可促進急診醫療品之提昇。 2. 各權屬醫院急診主管認為醫院評鑑確實可促進急診醫療品之提昇。 討論與建議: 本研究利用評鑑資料庫探討急診醫療品質的變化,並且使用自行設計之結構式問卷瞭解急診主任對急診醫療品質變化的看法。分析結果發現區域級以上醫院急診醫療品質改善幅度較地區教學醫院明顯。建議主管衛生機關加強地區教學等小醫院的輔導,以確保良好的醫療品質;醫院急診部門主管應在平時建立品質指標收集與監測之機制;未來研究者可朝向醫院評鑑制度信效度議題加以探討。


急診 醫療品質 醫院評鑑


Background and Objectives: Hospital accreditation is an important quality insurance tool in our country. Since 1988 it had been used more than ten years. In order to understand the quality changes of emergency care, the objectives of the study were three-fold: 1.) to investigate the improvement of emergency care quality in each hospital level during the different years; 2.) to investigate the consistency of emergency care quality in each hospital level during the different years; 3.) to compare the improvement of emergency care quality among different ownership of hospitals; 4.) to objectively evaluate the opinions of the chiefs of emergency care to hospital accreditation. Methods and Materials: Our study use the S-P-O model to discuss the effect of hospital accreditation to hospitals in structure, process, and outcome ways. The study design was longitudinal and cross-sectional. The data sources included primary data and secondary data. Primary data was collected by a nation-wide survey on the chiefs of emergency department in hospitals. Secondary data was derived from data bank of hospital accreditation. We use simple T-test, pair T-test, and one-way ANOVA to analyze our data for our purposes. Results: In our study, many quality indicators have positive effect, it suggests that hospital accreditation is helpful to hospitals. . It effects more significantly in high scale hospitals. The ownership of hospitals is also an important factor in our study to affect the range of changes of hospitals. At last, most of emergency care managers thought that hospital accreditation is useful and helpful to their hospitals. Discussion: In summary, the objective and subjective results support that hospital accreditation has a positive effect on improving the quality of emergency care, regardless of different hospital levels or the ownerships of hospital. Hospital accreditation is an useful quality insurance tool to promote the quality of emergency medical quality. Our government should work continuously to improve emergency care quality.


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