  • 學位論文


The Relationship of Oral Health Status and Oral Impacts Daily on Performance (OIDP) and Related Factors in the Elderly

指導教授 : 楊奕馨


研究背景:老年人口不斷攀升,許多健康維護之問題,即成為一重要課題。口腔健康是促進健康之根本,但傳統上,口腔健康僅指於口腔健康狀況之臨床指數或口腔疾病的計量。近來與日俱增是關注於口腔狀況如何影響生活品質,因此範圍延伸包含日常生活的生理、心理及社會等層面。研究目的:本研究針對台灣地區六十五以上之老年人,探究口腔健康狀況與口腔相關日常生活影響指標(OIDP)之相關性,同時探究其影響因素。研究方法:本研究對象乃以居住在臺灣地區設有戶籍且65歲以上之老年人,分七個鄉鎮地域代表性抽樣。以口腔健康日常生活影響指標(OIDP)來測量生活品質,分數越高則表示口腔健康問題對日常生活的影響程度越大。共計1402位接受完整之口腔檢查和問卷訪談。統計分析用t-test、ANOVA及一般線性廻歸(General Linear Regression)來探究口腔健康狀況與口腔健康生活品質影響指標(OIDP)之間關係,分析過程依社區機構及城鄉作分組比較。研究結果:結果顯示社會人口學變項和牙科就診狀況與口腔健康日常生活影響指標(OIDP)關係,乃在於受試者分佈在城市機構、鄉鎮機構、城市社區及鄉鎮社區而呈現明顯之差異性。再者口腔內存留齒數20顆以上者生理性、心理性及社會性分數均呈現較低(p<.0001),有裝戴補綴物者因口腔狀況而影響日常生活比率低於無裝戴補綴物者(p<.0001)。另外自覺口腔狀況以缺牙(41.3%)居多,且最常見之功能影響為『吃東西』。調整完社會人口學、口腔健康狀況及自覺口腔狀況等變項後,居住狀況、鄉鎮、收案地點、經濟狀況、存留齒數及補綴狀況等為口腔健康日常生活影響指標(OIDP)之重要影響因素。 研究結論:口腔健康狀況的確會左右老年人之日常生活品質,並且因居住地區不同而有所差異;另外本研究受試者自覺口腔狀況對口腔健康日常生活影響指標(OIDP)的影響並不明顯,而是以臨床口腔狀況對日常生活功能影響較有明顯之差異性。


Background :The elderly population continues to increase, and hence gerontological health has become an important issue. Oral health is the foundation to promote health. Traditionally, oral health outcomes have been conceptualized in terms of clinical indicators of oral health status or measures of oral diseases. Recently, more attention has been given to the consideration of how oral condition affecting quality of life in general. The scope of subjective indices, therefore, has been widely extended to cover physical, psychological and social aspects of daily function. Study objective:In this research, we study the relationship of oral health status and oral daily life impact indicators (OIDP), as well as its related factors in elderly Taiwanese. Study methods :The study participants were elderly people above 65 years of age living in Taiwan. Counites in Taiwan were, divided into seven geographical regions. The quality of life was measured by the daily oral health impact indicators (OIDP). Higher scores mean that oral health problems have more influence on daily life. In total, 1402 elderly people received a complete oral examination and questionnaire interview. The relationship between oral health status and OIDP was investigated by statistical analysis using t-test, ANOVA and multiple linear regression. The analysis compared four groups of community /institution and urban / rural areas. Results:he results indicated significant difference of OIDP among participants from 4 groups, but not for individual variables of different demographic characteristics and oral condition. The physiology, psychology and societal indicators of participants with more than 20 teeth showed lower scores (p<.0001), and people who had prosthesis had lower OIDP than those who didn't have artificial prosthesis with missing teeth (p<.0001). The most perceived condition is missing teeth (41.3%), which influenced the function of eating. The variables of living condition, area of residency, socioeconomic status, number of teeth, and presence of prosthesis are significant factors of OIDP after adjusting for variables of social demography, oral health status and self-perception of oral condition.Conclusion:ral health condition influenced quality of daily life of elderly people. Area of residence determines greater differenced of OIDP. There was significant association between OIDP and clinical oral conditions, but not between OIDP and self-perception of oral condition.


elderly oral health status quality of life OIDP


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