  • 學位論文


New Forms of Sexual Liberation? Polyamory As A New Lifestyle in Heterosexual Intimate Relationships

指導教授 : 林津如


本研究以質性研究的訪談法進行,透過12位受訪者初探異性戀坦誠的多重伴侶關係,實踐者如何形成認知、如何維繫關係,及在平等伴侶關係的啟發與限制。 本研究發現打破性愛合一且獨占的意識形態,解構並重新建構性愛觀是認同形構最重要的一環,其過程包括,經驗「不道德」的感情或情慾關係,批判性知識的影響,經驗、知識加上反思的交互作用,逐漸從隱瞞走向坦誠。具備文化資本是重要的形成條件,甚至包含價值信念及所處環境的影響,並主要透過網路結識相似認知的伴侶。 以維護個人主體性為出發,使坦誠的的多重伴侶關係得以維持,強調人我分際,並容許人與人之間的差異,挑戰親密關係向來以兩人一體(couple)為思考的邏輯,重視個人主體意識使得情感關係的維繫須務實且尊重個人意願,有助於 扭轉性別不平等的親密關係,展現情感關係的多樣性,而經濟能力以及獨立生活的機會有助於打造非主流的親密生活。 本文肯定,坦誠的多重伴侶關係有助於平等伴侶關係的實踐,因傳統性愛觀的解構,重視雙方平等立場的溝通,女性對其情慾及情感關係更有自主協商的能力,男性也較能抵抗霸權陽剛特質的期待,共同維繫情感慾望滿足及個人自由的並存。 但是,扣連主流社會的擇偶條件及性愛觀仍會影響實踐者找尋伴侶的機會(包括男性被當成不負責任的爛男人,女性被誤以為性飢渴的樣板豪放女),以及溝通過程遭遇的困難。另外,由於內化傳統的性別分工觀念影響,即使表面上不遵循傳統性別分工,但在個人感受及協商權力方面,仍會受到影響。 我認為,坦誠的多重伴侶關係可說是個人性解放的實踐,但目前並無條件或需求推展成改革體制面的性權運動,但相關論述的產出及支持社群的形成,是目前已出現的需求及發展方向。


The thesis examines experiences and thoughts of polyamorous people in hetrosexual relationships. I interviewed 12 participants to analyze their identities, intimate relationships, and experiences in polyamory, examining how they formed their identities, negotiated in polyamorous relationships, and investicating the potential and limits of the sexual liberation. In terms of identity, destructing the ideology of intimate relationship is the main theme. The research participants deconstruct ideas of monogamy and delink love, sex, and marriage. Through reflections and critical theory, they reinterpret‘immoral’ love or sexual experiences to become polyamorous people, practicing democracy honestly in multiple relationships and to meet partners through Internet. Polyamorous relationships can work well, because people respect individual subjectivity and are willing to accept different thoughts or meet different expectations of different partners. How do they maintain polyamorous relationships? They appreciate and repsect individual decisions and personal boundaries, and they communicate with each other to find out how this relationship goes on. Polyamorous people do not see an intimate relationship as ‘a couple’, but two people joining in one relationship. I argue that polyamory can achieve equal intimate relationships, because they deconstruct the linkage between love, sex and intimate partnership. They are especially critical of double standards in sex behaviors and gender expectations of men and women. As a result, polyamorous women are more independent to negotiate their sexual and love relationship. Polyamorous men who do not follow hegemonic masculinity are also accepted. Nevertheless, polyamorous people may still encounter some difficulties. When they want to meet potential intimate partners, men are viewed as irresponsible guys, cheaters or playboys. Women are viewed as slut or extremely horny. When they do form polyamorous relationships, there are also some conflicts over issues of domestic work. Even though they have unconventional divisions of labor, traditional gender norms are still embedded in practices, making them feeling uncomfortable or angry. In conclusion, this research shows that polyamory provides possibilities for sex liberation and equal intimate relationship. However, due to a lack of clear identity as polyamory, it is too early to say that polyamory has become a gender/sexual movement. This research has begun to identify these subjects as polyamory. In the process of researching, I gradually see the needs to provide discourses on polyamory and to develop social support groups, shall we hope to have a polyamory movement in the future.


王昭正、朱瑞淵譯(1999),《參與觀察法》,台北:弘智。譯自Danny L. Jorgensen (1989), Participant observation: A methodology for human studie. London: Sage.
成令方、王秀雲、游美惠、邱大昕、吳嘉苓譯(2008),《性別打結-拆除父權違建》,台北:群學。譯自Allan G. Johnson (1997), The gender knot, () Temple university press.
