  • 學位論文


Study on the effect of different denture cleaning methods to remove Candida albicans from acrylic resin denture base material

指導教授 : 李惠娥


本研究模擬義齒基底床之清潔,以樹脂試片浸泡於菌液中使白色念珠菌附著,進行不同義齒清潔方式,比較清潔後白色念珠菌於試片上附著量的差異,以評估不同清潔方式之清潔效果。選用之清潔組別分別為刷洗組、義齒清潔錠組、合併組、漱口水組及紫外光組等五種清潔方式,對照組為浸泡無菌蒸餾水。各種清潔方式的樣本數為20,利用標準平板計數法計算細菌的附著量。各組清潔方法間在統計上有顯著差異(p<0.001),進一步事後兩兩比較發現:牙刷刷洗組(870±837 CFUs/ml)、義齒清潔錠組( 360±391 CFUs/ml)及合併組(340±387 CFUs/ml)的清潔效果最好,且三組間無統計上顯著差異。而紫外光組(6750±2826 CFUs/ml) 及漱口水組(6000±3464 CFUs/ml)雖具移除細菌的能力,但清潔效果明顯低於前三組。除了對照組(11850±5018 CFUs/ml)與未清潔組(14100±6889 CFUs/ml)無統計上顯著差異外,所有實驗組皆與未清潔組有統計上顯著差異。由本研究結果得知,利用牙刷刷洗活動義齒即可有效移除義齒表面附著的細菌,但對於義齒死角則可使用義齒清潔錠加強清潔。對於手部不方便的病人可以浸泡義齒清潔錠來代替刷洗法,然而合併法可得到最佳的清潔效果。此外,無論哪一種義齒清潔方法皆無法完全移除黏附於義齒基底樹脂上的白色念珠菌。


Objectives : Different denture cleansing methods have different cleaning effect. The purpose of this study was to assess the ability of five different denture cleansing methods to remove Candida albicans accumulated on denture base materials. Materials and methods : 140 acrylic resin specimens were identically produced and soaked in the suspension of Candida albicans, and the reduction of organism counts after test denture cleansing methods were calculated. Five cleansing methods were evaluated : brushing; soaked in denture cleansing tablet ; combination of soaked in denture cleansing tablet and brushing; soaked in mouth wash; irradiation with UV-light, and soaked in distilled water were used as control. The effectiveness of the denture cleaning methods to remove C. albicans cells was assessed following a single cleaning event. Result : The effects of this study were significantly different in reducing Candida albicans from specimens. (p<0.0001, Kruskal-Wallis test). There is no difference between mouth wash group(6000±3464 CFUs/ml) versus UV-light group(6750±2826 CFUs/ml), brushing group(870±837 CFUs/ml) versus cleansing tablet group(360±391 CFUs/ml) and combination group(340±387 CFUs/ml) by post-hoc comparison. Conclusion : Brushing, soaking with denture cleansing tablet or combination of soaking and brushing can significantly reduce the adherence of Candida albacans. Soaking in mouth wash or irradiating with UV-light also have significant cleaning effect but not as good as the other three methods.


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