  • 學位論文

電腦化繪圖測驗與動作協調標準化評估工具之相關性探討 - 以學齡前兒童為初探對象

The correlation between computerized drawing test and motor coordination standardized assessment instruments - pilot study with preschool children

指導教授 : 張志仲


背景:書寫是學童在學習過程的重要技能,視覺動作整合能力是影響書寫能力發展的重要因子之一,因此評估與訓練兒童視覺動作技巧的相關能力對未來的書寫能力而言是非常重要的,但標準化評估工具在台灣的使用率偏低,若能發展一套快速且便捷評估兒童視覺動作整合技巧的評估工具,對本土的臨床工作者來說是一大福音。。 方法:邀請30位學齡前發展遲緩兒童,以及30位正常發展兒童參與本研究,年齡介於4~7歲。兩組皆接受三種評估工具施測,分別為研發中的電腦化繪圖測驗、拜瑞視動整合測驗之動作協調補充測驗及布-歐動作精熟測試第二版之手眼協調子測驗。 結果:電腦化繪圖測驗各圖形的組內相關係數有中度以上的再測信度;與VMI和BOT-2間有中度的同時效度,且皆有高度的區辨效度。最後比較電腦化繪圖測驗與VMI、BOT-2的測驗時間,電腦化繪圖測驗減少的時間有統計上顯著的差異。 結論:本研究結果顯示,電腦化繪圖測驗在學齡前兒童的表現上有不錯的再測信度、同時效度與區辨效度,且在時間與使用方法較標準化評估工具簡便、快速許多。未來若能發展出常模,此電腦化繪圖測驗可成為學齡前兒童快速篩檢視覺動作協調能力的評估工具。


Background: Writing skill is an important ability for students in the learning process. Visual-motor integration is an important factor in the development of writing skills. Consequently, the assessment and training of visual-motor skills is very important for children to develop future writing ability. In Taiwan, the utilization of standardized writing assessment tools for with preschool children is not so popular in clinics. Thus, it is needed to develop a quick and easy assessment tool of visual-motor integration skills for the preschool children. and It’s also a great boon for local clinicians to quickly screen preschool children with writing skill problems. Method: We recruited 30 preschool children with developmental delay, and 30 normal children participating in the study ranged in age from 4 to 7 years old. They all accepts three assessment tools including a screen drawing task (SDT) computerized graphics tests, developmental test of visual-motor integration (VMI) motor coordination supplementary test, and Bruninks-Oseretsky test of motor proficiency (BOT-2) sub-test of hand-eye coordination. Results: Each test of the SDT computerized graphics test has moderate test-retest reliability. The SDT computerized graphics test also demonstrate moderate concurrent validity with VMI and BOT-2, and it’s discriminant validity is good. Finally, as compared the testing time with VMI and BOT-2, the SDT computerized graphics tests had statistically significant decreased in testing time. Conclusion: Findings in the study show that SDT computerized graphics tests have well test-retest reliability, concurrent validity and discriminant validity in assessing the visual-motor integration skills for the preschool children. As compared with standardized visual-motor assessment tools, it is a more convenient and quicker tool to screen preschool children with writing skill problem. Future studies are suggested to develop the norm of SDT computerized graphics tests and that would contribute it to become a rapid, reliable and valid tool for screening visual-motor coordination impairments for the preschool children.


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